Getting Started
Connect the SX7 to Your Computer
Before you connect your computer, ensure you do not have an existing landline data connection and that you have either Internet Explorer or FireFox Web browser installed on your computer.
Connect the Ethernet
It is recommended thatyouusetheEthernetconnection foryour primaryWirelessWANdata connection;however, youmayalso
Power Up the SX7
1.With the Ethernet cable connected to both your computer and the SX7, ensure that your SX7 is off, and power up your computer.
2.Slide the Power Switch from right to left to power up your SX7.
3.Wait a few minutes for the SX7 to initialize. Once the signal strength LEDs are illuminated, you are ready to proceed.
Power Switch
Signal Strength LEDs
If your computer is configured witha presetIP address,youmay needto adjustyour network settings to automaticallyretrievean IP adddressfromtheSX7.See “ConfiguringTCP/IP Settings”on page38.
Wi PATHTM SX7 | 5 | User Guide |