High Encryption Requirements (Windows)
Depending on your configuration, an IOTA (Internet Over The Air) session may automatically start as part of the installation process. IOTA requires
If you are running Windows Vista or Windows XP, your computer should already include
If you are running Windows 2000 with Internet Explorer
1.Ensure you have installed the Windows 2000 High Encryption Pack: in Internet Explorer, select Help > About Internet Explorer.
If you see “Cipher Strength:
If the High Encryption Pack is not installed, download and install it
2.If your version of Internet Explorer is earlier than 5.5, download and install the latest version (www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downloads).
If you are running Windows 2000 with Netscape Communicator
Ensure your version of Netscape Communicator is 4.7 or higher.
To verify that your version supports
1.In Navigator, select Help > About Navigator.
– or –
In Netscape Communicator, select Help > About Communicator.
2.See the section “Contains encryption software from RSA Data Security, Inc.”
If the next paragraph states “This version supports U.S. security,” you have
If the paragraph states that you have International security, you have
10 | Section 1B: Getting Started With Your Card |