WatchGuard Technologies
WatchGuard SOHO and SOHO | tc
Frequently asked questions
Default factory settings
Click System Administration
Setting Up Your Soho Network
Setting a remote log host
What is
How do I reboot my SOHO?
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Frequently asked questions
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WatchGuard Soho User Guide
Registration and identification information
Copyright and patent information
WatchGuard Soho End-User License Agreement
User Guide Iii
User Guide
WatchGuard Limited Hardware Warranty
User Guide Vii
Redeeming Soho upgrade certificates
Using this guide
Following conventions are used throughout this guide
Table of Contents
Additional Soho Features
Before you begin
Pre-installation checklist
Performing manual installation
Determine your current TCP/IP settings
Microsoft Windows NT or
Microsoft Windows 95 or 98 or ME
Other operating systems Unix, Linux
Disable your browser’s Http proxy
Netscape 4.5 or
Internet Explorer
Physically connecting your Soho
Cabling the Soho for one to four devices
This creates a connection between the Soho and the modem
Cabling the Soho for more than four computers
This creates a connection between the Soho and the modem
Physically connecting your Soho
Setting Up Your Soho Network
How does a firewall work?
Configuring your public network
Network addressing
Double-click the Network icon
Configuring your public network
Configuring the Soho public network for dynamic addressing
Select the Obtain an IP address automatically option. Click
Configuring the Soho public network for static addressing
On your computer
On the Soho
Click Public Network
Configuring Soho public network for PPPoE
Release and renew the IP configuration
Click Automatically restore lost connections
Configuring your private network
Configure additional computers to the private network
Select System Password
Changing the Soho system name and password
Select System Administration
Default factory settings
Default factory settings
Troubleshooting installation and network configuration
Virtual Private Networking IPSec VPN is not installed
How do I register my SOHO?
What do the on and Mode lights signify on the SOHO?
Where are the Soho settings stored?
How do I change to a Dhcp private IP address?
How do I allow any incoming service?
How do I change to a static private IP address?
How do I allow incoming IP protocols?
How do I set up and disable Web blocking?
Click Services and then click Allowed Incoming Services
How do I set up VPN between two SOHOs?
VPN Management
How do I reset the Soho to factory defaults?
How do I reboot my SOHO?
How do I set up my Soho for remote configuration?
How does the seat limitation on the Soho work?
Set a password on my unit, but I forgot it. Can you help?
How do I install a Soho using a Macintosh?
How do I get to the Soho Knowledge Base?
How do I register for Live Security?
What is a Soho feature key?
Cant get a certain Soho feature to work with a DSL modem
How can I see the MAC address of my SOHO?
IP addresses
Configuring Services for a Soho
How does information travel on the internet?
WatchGuard Soho services
Port number
Allowing incoming services
Network address translation
Click Add a Service
Adding a pre-configured incoming service
Select Allowed Incoming Services
Click Allowed Incoming Services. Click Add a Service
Creating a custom incoming service
Adding an incoming TCP or UDP service
Click Add Other TCP or UDP Service
Click Add Other Service
Adding an incoming service with another type of protocol
Adding the Any service
Click Allowed Incoming Services
Removing an incoming service
Click Add Any Service
Click Remove a Service
Blocking outgoing services
Blocking a TCP or UDP service
Click Blocked Outgoing Services
Select Blocked Outgoing Services
Click Block TCP or UDP Service
Blocking an alternative protocol
Removing a blocked outgoing service
Click Remove Blocked Service
Configuring Virtual Private Networking
Why create a virtual private network?
What you will need
One WatchGuard Soho with VPN and an IPSec-compliant Device
IP Address Table example
Enabling the VPN Feature Key
About Feature Keys
Obtaining a VPN Feature Key
Step-by-step instructions for configuring a Soho VPN tunnel
Special considerations
How do I get a static public IP address?
Frequently asked questions
Why do I need a static public address?
How do I connect three or four offices together?
OK, ping is not working
How do I obtain a VPN Feature Key?
How do I enable a VPN Tunnel?
Frequently asked questions
Additional Soho Features
Socks for Soho
Configuring your Socks application on the Soho
Soho Socks implementation
Select Service Options
Disabling Socks on the Soho
Viewing Soho log messages
Setting a remote log host
Soho logging
Click System Information
Select Remote Logging
Rebooting a WatchGuard Soho
Click System Administration
Rebooting a WatchGuard Soho
WatchGuard Soho WebBlocker
How WebBlocker works
WatchGuard WebBlocker database unavailable
Web site not in WebBlocker database
Web site in WebBlocker database
Bypassing the Soho WebBlocker
Select Web Blocking
Configuring the Soho WebBlocker
Purchasing and enabling Soho WebBlocker
Enter the full access password
WebBlocker categories
Search Engines
Searching for blocked sites
Click Check if the URL is on the CyberNOT List
Primary IP address 44 secondary IP address
Related pages
All FAQ page
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