What you will need
About Feature Keys
When you purchase a SOHO, the software for all extended features is provided with that installation regardless of whether you have actually purchased any of those features. Once you have purchased an extended feature, its Feature key allows you to enable its software.
You must enable the Feature Key whenever a feature is updated or changed on the product. For example, if you want to upgrade from 10 seats to 25 seats, you need a Feature Key.
Obtaining a VPN Feature Key
If you purchased a WatchGuard SOHO and would like to purchase a VPN Feature Upgrade from a reseller or
Enabling the VPN Feature Key
Whether you purchased a VPN Feature Key separately or the SOHOtc, which comes with the key enclosed, you must first enable the VPN Feature Key before configuring virtual private networking. Enabling the VPN feature requires:
•An installed SOHO
•Internet connectivity
•A VPN Feature Key license
Step-by-step instructions for configuring a SOHO VPN tunnel
WatchGuard has developed a series of