Table 3-2. System Error Messages (continued)
Message | Definition | Probable Causes |
Diskette sub- | System could not suc- |
system reset | cessfully issue reset |
failed | command to diskette |
| controller. |
Faulty diskette/tape drive controller (defective sys- tem board).
Diskette | Diskette | Diskette |
write pro- | feature activated. |
tected |
Drive not | Diskette missing from | Missing, defective, unfor- |
ready | or improperly inserted | matted, or improperly |
| in diskette drive. | inserted diskette. |
Gate A20 fail- | Gate A20 of the | Faulty keyboard control- |
ure | keyboard controller | ler (defective system |
| malfunctioned. | board). |
General fail- | Operating system can- | Operating system cor- |
ure | not execute command. | rupted or not installed |
| properly. |
Hard disk | Incorrect configuration | |
controller | initialize. | settings in System Setup |
failure |
| program, improperly con- |
| nected |
Hard disk |
| cable, faulty |
drive read |
| controller subsystem |
failure |
| (defective system board), |
| or loose power cable. |
Hard disk |
failure |
Incompatible | Unsupported version of | Unsupported micro- |
Processor: | microprocessor installed | processor installed. |
CPU0 is B0 | on system board. |
step or below |
Incompatible |
Processor: |
CPU1 is B0 |
step or below |
Incompatible | In a |
Processors: | system both micro- |
Cache sizes | processors do not have |
different | the same |
Microprocessors do not have the same
Beep Codes and Error Messages |