Dell CPx H/CPx J Series, CPt V/CPt S Series manual #=$

Page 35

7.Fold the LCD flex cable at the crease as shown in Figure 17, so that the name of the LCD panel manufacturer faces up. The manufacturer is either Torisan (T-Sanyo) or Sharp.

The connectors are identical on the Torisan and Sharp LCD panels, but they are mounted reverse with respect to each other. This means that pin 1 on the Torisan panel connector is at the opposite end when compared to pin 1 on the Sharp panel connector.

The LCD flex cable can connect to either panel by making one fold to the cable. The words Torisan and Sharp are printed on the cable (see Figure 17). If you are installing a Torisan LCD panel, fold the cable at the crease so the word Torisan is facing up. If you are installing a Sharp LCD panel, fold the cable at the crease so the word Sharp is facing up.

Fold for a Sharp LCD Panel

Fold for a Torisan LCD Panel

curled back to connect to panel

LCD manufacturer name


crease(underneath) (on top)


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To replace the 12.1-inch display LCD panel inverter, perform the following steps:

1.Find the manufacturer’s name on the back of the LCD panel that is to be installed.




2.Ensure that the inverter’s configuration jumpers are set correctly (see Figure 18).

If you are installing a Sharp LCD panel, both jumpers are used. If you are installing a Torisan LCD panel, the bottom jumper is used. See the sticker on the inverter shield for more information.

Dell Latitude CPt V/CPt S Series and CPx H/CPx J Series Service Manual


Image 35
Contents Page Page Page Page Page Computer Orientation Vii Viii +,&*-+ Battery bay latch Removable screws Movable part of connector Do not remove CUS, BTRY, 14.4V, 8CELL, Lith ASSY, CARR, HD SCR, M2X3, PHH, LP, ZPS DOOR, MEM, MET, NB Page Bottom of computer #$% Dimm a $6!%%!% Track stick Keyboard Scalloped edge of blank key Palmrest 22!%% Page 789 Page +, -+!.+ % + % + Page #*+, -+!.+ =$% #=$ Back-light Palmrest assembly consists of the touch pad and the palmrest +.+ Page Mm screws M2.5x4 Thermal cooling assembly and exhaust fan Bumps Wear ribs Index Page