O P T I C A L D R I V E — For more information about the optical drive, see Dell Technology Guide.
NOTE: The optical drive supports standard circular 12.7 cm discs. Irregularly shaped discs or discs smaller than 12.7 cm are not supported.
Connect USB devices, such as a mouse, keyboard, or printer.
— Connects devices supporting IEEE 1394a
F I N G E R P R I N T R E A D E R ( O P T I O N A L ) — Helps to keep your Dell™ computer secure. When you slide your finger over the reader, it uses your unique fingerprint to authenticate your user identity. The controlling security management software, DigitalPersona Personal, displays a fingerprint reader icon in the system tray that shows whether the reader is ready for use, and provides convenient access to a few major components and features on its menu. When the reader is ready to scan fingerprints, the reader icon appears normally. Otherwise, a red X displays over the reader icon. The icon also flashes in red color when a fingerprint scan is being processed.
For more information on how to activate and use DigitalPersona Personal, click Start → Programs →DigitalPersona Personal. The following
•Fingerprint Enrollment Wizard - To enroll your fingerprint
•Fingerprint Logon Manager - To add, remove or modify properties related to Fingerprint Logons
•Import and Export Wizard - To export fingerprint information into a file for the further import on another computer, or for the use as a
•Properties - To configure DigitalPersona Personal Settings and product behavior. For more information, see DigitalPersona Online Help →Using DigitalPersona Personal Features →General Settings.
•Check for Updates - To deliver and install software updates and also for updating options. You must have an Internet connection to use this feature. You can either check for updates manually or automatically.
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