S E C U R I T Y C A B L E S L O T — Lets you attach a commercially available antitheft device to the computer.
W I - F I C A T C H E R ™ N E T W O R K L O C A T O R — Press this button for a few seconds to scan specifically for wireless networks in your vicinity.
-Flashing white: Searching for networks
-Solid white for 10 seconds and then turns off: Network found
-Off (flashing white turns off after 10 blinks): No signal found
A I R V E N T S — The computer uses an internal fan to create airflow through the vents, which prevents the computer from overheating. The fan automatically turns on when the computer gets hot. Fan noise is normal and does not indicate a problem with the fan or the computer.
CAUTION: Do not block, push objects into, or allow dust to accumulate in the air vents. Do not store your computer in a