CNet Technology CNIG904S manual IP Address, Buttons

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CNet Technology IncBroadband Router User Guide


Also called Network Adapter Address or Physical Address. Provide this


value to your ISP if requested. If you did not provide this value when


first connected, there is no need to provide it now.




IP Address




Leave this enabled if you want your ISP to allocate an IP Address to the

IP Address

Broadband Router upon connection.

(DHCP Client)






Select this if using a fixed IP Address. If this option is selected, the

IP Address

following data must be entered.


IP Address.



If connecting to an ISP, this is the address allocated by the ISP. If



connecting to another LAN, this must be a valid address on the ex-



ternal LAN.


Network Mask



This must be compatible with the IP Address above


Gateway IP Address



The address of the router or gateway, either on the external LAN, or



supplied by your ISP.


DNS IP Address


At least 1 DNS IP Address is required, and should be provided by your


ISP. DNS settings are on the LAN screen.








Get the default Device Name and clear the other items. No changes are


made to the configuration until you click the Save button.




Save any data you have entered on this screen. Remember to save before


changing to another screen.




Cancel any data you have entered since the last "Save" operation.





If using Dynamic IP Address, the IP Address, Network Mask, and Gateway fields may dis- play the values obtained dynamically.


Image 17
Contents User’s Guide Shared Broadband Internet AccessTable of Contents Broadband Router Overview General Problems Internet AccessIntroduction Broadband Router FeaturesLAN Features Configuration & Management Internet Access FeaturesSecurity Features Advanced Internet FunctionsPackage Contents Rear Panel Physical DetailsTop Mounted LEDs DIP Switch Setting Description DIP SwitchesRestore Default IP Address and Clear Password Installation Procedure InstallationChoose an Installation Site RequirementsCheck the LEDs Power UpConnect Adsl or Cable Modem To Do this Refer to ConfigurationOverview Preparation Configuration ProgramConnecting to the Broadband Router Navigation & Data Input If you cant connectLAN Screen LAN ConfigurationData LAN Screen IP AddressRouting Table Dhcp ServerDNS Domain Name Server WAN Direct Connection WAN ConfigurationTip Data WAN Direct ConnectionButtons IP AddressData WAN PPPoE WAN PPPoEAccount OptionsWAN Status Direct Connection WAN StatusData WAN StatusConnection Log WAN Status PPPoEStatus Data Message Description Connection Log MessagesData LAN/Device Status LAN/Device StatusDevice LAN PortStatus To check your PCs TCP/IP Settings PC ConfigurationTCP/IP Settings Using Specify an IP Address Using DhcpDNS Tab Win 95/98 Accessing AOL Internet Access ConfigurationMacintosh Configuration Using another Dhcp Server Using the Broadband Routers Dhcp ServerChapter What Dhcp DoesTo Configure your PCs to use Dhcp Routing Broadband Router ConfigurationUsing this Screen Destination Routing Table DataGateway InterfaceRouting Example Router ConfigurationLocal Router Other Routers on the Local LANFor Router Bs Default Route For Router As Default RouteFor the Broadband Routers Routing Table Entry 1 SegmentDevice Options PasswordWhen prompted for the password, leave the User Name blank To connect from a remote PC via the Internet NAT Network Address TranslationRemote Management Advanced Internet Screen Advanced InternetSpecial Internet Applications Using a Special ApplicationSpecial Applications Screen At any time, only one 1 PC can use each Special ApplicationConfiguration Data from Service Provider Remote PC Virtual ServersIP Address seen by Internet Users Types of Virtual ServersWAN IP Address Virtual Server ConfigurationType LAN IP AddressTo Modify Edit a defined Server User Defined Virtual ServersTo Delete a defined Server To List all ServersDetails Connecting to the Virtual ServersDMZ Screen Configuring the DMZEnable DMZ EnableFeature DataTo use this feature Access ControlSecurity Groups To Change Access for an Existing GroupOperations To Define a Security GroupPacket Filter Table Access Rights Internet Access for this GroupTo Add a New PC PCsTo Delete an Existing PC To Change an Existing PCs DetailsFilters TCP Filters TCP PacketsPort No UDP FiltersGeneral Problems TroubleshootingInternet Access Broadband Router Specifications