CNet Technology CNIG904S manual Configuration Data from Service Provider

Page 39

CNet Technology Inc

Broadband Router User Guide




To Enable a defined Application

-Select it from the drop-down list

-Click "Get Data"

-Check the Enable checkbox

-Click "Update"

To Disable a defined Application

-As above, but uncheck the Enable checkbox.

To Delete a defined Application

-Select it from the drop-down list,

-Click "Delete"

To Modify (Edit) a defined Application

-Select it from the drop-down list,

-Click "Get Data"

-Make any desired changes

-Click "Update"

To Create a new Application

-Click "Clear Form"

-Enter the required data, as described below

-Click "Add"

To List all Applications

-Click "List All"

Configuration Data (from Service Provider)

This data must be obtained from the service provider.


Enter a descriptive name to identify this application entry.




Use this to Enable or Disable support for this application, as required.








The protocol (TCP or UDP) used when you connect to the special applica-


tion service.



Port Range:

The beginning of the range of port numbers used by the application server,


for data you send to it. If the application uses a single port number, enter it in


both the "Start" and "Finish" fields.



Port Range:

The end of the range of port numbers used by the application server, for data


you send.








The protocol (TCP or UDP) used when the application or service sends data


to you.



Port Range:

The start of the range of port numbers used by the application server when


data is sent to you. If using only one port number, enter it in both the "Start"


and "Finish" fields.



Port Range:

The end of the range of port numbers used by the application server, when


data is sent to you.




Image 39
Contents User’s Guide Shared Broadband Internet AccessTable of Contents Broadband Router Overview General Problems Internet AccessBroadband Router Features LAN FeaturesIntroduction Advanced Internet Functions Internet Access FeaturesConfiguration & Management Security FeaturesPackage Contents Physical Details Top Mounted LEDsRear Panel DIP Switches Restore Default IP Address and Clear PasswordDIP Switch Setting Description Requirements InstallationInstallation Procedure Choose an Installation SitePower Up Connect Adsl or Cable ModemCheck the LEDs Configuration OverviewTo Do this Refer to Configuration Program Connecting to the Broadband RouterPreparation Navigation & Data Input If you cant connectIP Address LAN ConfigurationLAN Screen Data LAN ScreenDhcp Server DNS Domain Name ServerRouting Table Data WAN Direct Connection WAN ConfigurationWAN Direct Connection TipButtons IP AddressOptions WAN PPPoEData WAN PPPoE AccountWAN Status WAN StatusWAN Status Direct Connection DataWAN Status PPPoE Status DataConnection Log Message Description Connection Log MessagesLAN Port LAN/Device StatusData LAN/Device Status DeviceStatus PC Configuration TCP/IP SettingsTo check your PCs TCP/IP Settings Using Specify an IP Address Using DhcpDNS Tab Win 95/98 Accessing AOL Internet Access ConfigurationMacintosh Configuration What Dhcp Does Using the Broadband Routers Dhcp ServerUsing another Dhcp Server ChapterTo Configure your PCs to use Dhcp Broadband Router Configuration Using this ScreenRouting Interface Routing Table DataDestination GatewayOther Routers on the Local LAN Router ConfigurationRouting Example Local RouterEntry 1 Segment For Router As Default RouteFor Router Bs Default Route For the Broadband Routers Routing TablePassword When prompted for the password, leave the User Name blankDevice Options NAT Network Address Translation Remote ManagementTo connect from a remote PC via the Internet Advanced Internet Screen Advanced InternetAt any time, only one 1 PC can use each Special Application Using a Special ApplicationSpecial Internet Applications Special Applications ScreenConfiguration Data from Service Provider Types of Virtual Servers Virtual ServersRemote PC IP Address seen by Internet UsersLAN IP Address Virtual Server ConfigurationWAN IP Address TypeTo List all Servers User Defined Virtual ServersTo Modify Edit a defined Server To Delete a defined ServerDetails Connecting to the Virtual ServersDMZ Screen Configuring the DMZData EnableEnable DMZ FeatureTo use this feature Access ControlTo Define a Security Group To Change Access for an Existing GroupSecurity Groups OperationsPacket Filter Table Access Rights Internet Access for this GroupTo Change an Existing PCs Details PCsTo Add a New PC To Delete an Existing PCFilters UDP Filters TCP PacketsTCP Filters Port NoGeneral Problems TroubleshootingInternet Access Broadband Router Specifications