CNET CNWR-811P manual NAT Network Address Translation, Remote Management

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NAT (Network Address Translation)

NAT allows PCs on your LAN to share a single external (Internet) IP Address. This IP Address is supplied by your ISP. Use the following to determine whether or nor you need NAT.

For Internet access, NAT must be left On unless all PCs on your LAN have valid external IP Addresses.

In other situations, NAT is not normally required. With NAT disabled, the CNWR-811P will act as a static router.

If NAT is disabled, the Firewall protection provided by the CNWR-811P is lost, and the Advanced Internet features (Virtual Servers, Special Applications, and DMZ) are no longer available.


TFTP (Trivial FTP) can be used to upgrade the firmware in the CNWR-811P. However, this is not normally required; there is a Windows utility available for this purpose.

Remote Management

This feature allows you to manage the CNWR-811P via the Internet.

Enable Remote

Enable to allow management via the Internet. If Disabled, this


device will ignore management connection attempts from the WAN





Port Number

Enter a port number between 1024 and 65535 (8080 is recom-


mended). This port number must be specified when you connect


(see below).


Note: The default port number for HTTP (Web) connections is port


80, but using port 80 here will prevent the use of a Web "Virtual


Server" on your LAN. (See Advanced Internet - Virtual Servers)



Current WAN Port

You must use this IP Address to connect (see below).

IP Address

This IP Address is allocated by your ISP. But if using a Dynamic IP



Address, this value can change each time you connect to your ISP.


So it is better if your ISP allocates you a Fixed IP Address.



To connect from a remote PC via the Internet

1.Ensure your Internet connection is established, and start your Web Browser.

2.In the "Address" bar, enter "HTTP://" followed by the WAN IP Address of the CNWR- 811P. If the port number is not 80, the port number is also required. (After the IP Address, enter ":" followed by the port number.)



This example assumes the WAN IP Address is, and the port number is 8080.


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Contents User’s Guide Table of Contents Appendix B Specifications CNWR-811P Wireless A/P Router Pcmcia Wireless CardLAN Features CNWR-811P FeaturesIntroduction Wireless Features Internet Access FeaturesConfiguration & Management Advanced Internet FunctionsPackage Contents On WAN connection is established Physical DetailsLEDs Flashing transmitting or receiving data via the WAN portUse Either the PC port or the Hub port. You can not Rear PanelUse both Restore Default IP Address Clear Password DIP SwitchesDIP Switch Setting Description Choose an Installation Site InstallationProcedure Insert Wireless Pcmcia cardConnect WAN Cable Power UpConnect LAN Cable Connect Printer CableOverview ConfigurationTo Do this Refer to Preparation Configuration ProgramConnecting to the CNWR-811P If you cant connectPassword Navigation & Data InputData LAN Screen LAN ConfigurationLAN Screen Dhcp ServerDNS Domain Name Server Routing TableData WAN Direct Connection WAN ConfigurationWAN Direct Connection Device IDIP Address ButtonsAccount WAN PPPoEData WAN PPPoE OptionsData Wireless Screen Wireless ConfigurationConfiguration Wireless Station Access WEP Data PrivacyNew station Access For Wireless Stations listed above PermissionFor Other Wireless Stations DeleteData WAN StatusWAN Status Direct Connection WAN StatusStatus Data WAN Status PPPoEConnection Log Connection Log Messages Message DescriptionDevice LAN/Device StatusData LAN/Device Status LAN PortStatus TCP/IP Settings PC ConfigurationTo check your PCs TCP/IP Settings Using Dhcp Using Specify an IP AddressDNS Tab Win 95/98 Internet Access Configuration Accessing AOLPrinting Setup Print Port Driver SetupManagement Port OptionsRetry PortBanner IntervalWindows NT 4.0 Server Configuration LPD/LPR PrintingWindows 2000 Server Configuration Adding the PrinterClient PC Setup for LPD/LPR Printing Windows 2000 Select PortMacintosh Configuration ModeUsing the CNWR-811Ps Dhcp Server What Dhcp DoesUsing another Dhcp Server To Configure your PCs to use DhcpUsing this Screen CNWR-811P ConfigurationRouting Local Router Router ConfigurationRouting Table Data Other Routers on the Local LANEntry 1 Segment Routing ExampleFor the CNWR-811Ps Routing Table Entry 2 SegmentFor Router As Default Route For Router Bs Default RouteWhen prompted for the password, leave the User Name blank PasswordOptions Remote Management NAT Network Address TranslationTo connect from a remote PC via the Internet Advanced Internet Advanced Internet ScreenSpecial Applications Screen Using a Special ApplicationSpecial Internet Applications At any time, only one 1 PC can use each Special ApplicationConfiguration Data from Service Provider Virtual Servers IP Address seen by Internet UsersTypes of Virtual Servers Virtual Server ConfigurationWAN IP Address Type User Defined Virtual ServersLAN IP Address Details Connecting to the Virtual Servers Configuring the DMZData EnableLAN IP Address Access Control To use this featureOperations To Change Access for an Existing GroupSecurity Groups To Define a Security GroupAccess Rights Internet Access for this Group Packet Filter TableTo Delete an Existing PC PCsTo Add a New PC To Change an Existing PCs DetailsFilters Port No TCP PacketsTCP Filters UDP FiltersGeneral Problems TroubleshootingInternet Access Wireless Access To remove an existing printer port installation PrintingCNWR-811P User Guide Appendix a Troubleshooting Specifications CNWR-811P Wireless A/P RouterPcmcia Wireless Card