Table 6.3 – List of Fault Codes (Continued)
| Fault |
Code | Description | Fault Cause | Corrective Action |
SrL | Communication | Serial port communication cable, PC | Check connection cable and |
| loss between | or OIM communication port setup. | communication port setup. |
| Regulator/PC/OIM |
UAr | Spurious host PC | Regulator board failure. | Replace Regulator board. |
| comm interrupt |
UbS | Asymmetrical bus | One of 3 differnet faults has occurred; |
| fault. Look at the 3 | 1. Input Ground Fault - Excessive | 1. Check the connection from the |
| LEDs on the Power | current flowing bwtween any of the | current transformer to the Bus Control |
| Module Interface | three input phases and earth ground. | board. |
| board. They | 2 . Asymmetrical Bus - When | 2. Replace shorted capacitor, fix loose |
| indicate which fault | measuring between the cap bank | connection, or replace discharge |
| has occurred by | midpoint and the +DC bus and | resistor. |
| flashing in unison. | bus, there is a 200 V or greater |
| mismatch. |
| 1 = Input Ground | 3. Slow Ramp Rate of DC Bus - DC | 3. Turn on drive. If UbS is displayed, |
| Fault; | bus did not change to the ful value | turn drive off and then on again very |
| 2 = Asymmetrical | given time allowed. Can occur only at | quickly. If the UbS fault goes away and |
| Bus; | the DC bus charges, replace the Bus | |
| 3 = Slow Ramp |
| Control board. |
| Rate of DC Bus |
6.4.3 Accessing, Reading, and Clearing the Faults in the Error Log
The following procedure shows how to access and clear the error log. Note that you cannot clear a single entry from the error log. The entire log, including all the fault codes and the day and time stamp of each fault, will be cleared simultaneously using this procedure.
Step 1. Press the PROGRAM key.
The First Menu General parameters are displayed. The PROGRAM LED will turn on.
Troubleshooting the Drive |