BIOS Setup 

 Suspend Mode
This is selectable only when the Power Management field is set to User Define. When the system enters the Suspend mode according to the power saving time selected, the CPU and onboard peripherals will be shut off. HDD Power Down
This is selectable only when the Power Management field is set to User Define. When the system enters the HDD Power Down mode according to the power saving time selected, the hard disk drive will be powered down while all other devices remain active. Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN
This field allows you to select the method of powering off your system.
Delay 4 Sec. Regardless of whether the Power Management func- tion is enabled or disabled, if the power button is pushed and released in less than 4 sec, the system enters the Suspend mode. The purpose of this function is to prevent the system from powering off in case you accidentally “hit” or pushed the power button. Push and release again in less than 4 sec to restore. Pushing the power button for more than 4 seconds will power off the system. CPU Thermal-Throttling
Thermal throttling regulates the thermal environment by alternating between running the processor at full speed and placing the processor in a sleep state whenever the upper limits of the thermal envelop are reached.
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