Determining the
WWNs World Wide
Table 3 Library World Wide Names
Quantum Scalar 50 Tape Drive Installation Instructions
September 2007
•Determining the WWNs World Wide Names
•Verifying Library Connectivity
The media changer (robot) and tape drives within the library have WWNs World Wide Names assigned to them by the system controller board (SCB). The WWNs must be determined and recorded both for the customer and for Quantum customer support. This information is important when replacing the Fibre Channel SCB and tape drives. Using the following procedures, complete table 3 and retain a copy of the table for your records. Have this table available when contacting Quantum Customer Support for any library or tape drive connectivity issues.
Library/Tape Drive World Wide Name (e.g. 50:05:08:40:00:16:47:00)
Media Changer (robot)
Tape drive 1
Tape drive 2
Tape drive 3
Tape drive 4
Using the Remote Management to Determine the WWNs
To determine the WWNs from the library remote management pages:
1On the host computer, open the internet browser software.
2In the Address field, type http://IPaddress/ where IP address is the IP address for the Quantum Scalar 50 series library.
3Enter the username and password and click OK.
Note: The default username and password is admin.
The Overview page displays (see figure 16):
Completing the Native Fibre Channel Installation | 15 |