Figure 22 SANblade Manager
SCSI ID Assignment with Native Fibre Channel Tape Drives
Quantum Scalar 50 Tape Drive Installation Instructions
September 2007
eIf you are still unable to view the Fibre Channel devices, launch the SANsurfer SANblade manager and click Connect. Accept the default “localhost” entry.
The SANblade manager displays (see figure 22).
The SANblade manager should display all connected Fibre Channel devices. If the library and tape drives do NOT display, check the cabling and connection status.
With native Fibre Channel tape drives, each tape drive is it’s own Fibre Channel target with a dedicated WWN and on LUN 0. The host (including the laptop using MAGMA box) will pick up the devices and assign local SCSI IDs in the order that the SAN devices are discovered. This will in almost every case NOT match the order of the devices as they are installed in the library. This is not a problem from the customer point of view, as long as drive serialization is enabled on the library and serialization is supported by the customers ISV application. This will allow the ISV application to put the drives in the correct order within the application.
In some rare cases it may be necessary to
Fibre Channel Connectivity Troubleshooting | 21 |