| i n t e l l i g e n t | w i r e l e s s | p l a t f o r m | ||||
Checklist |
| |
No | Parameters | Units |
| Site A | Site B |
1 | Check out the crimping of the Ethernet | Yes/No |
| cable at both the ends |
2 | Check out the proper grounding of the | Yes/No |
| antenna and equipment |
3 | Ensure no extreme bends or kink's in the | Yes/No |
| cable |
4 | Ensure Ethernet cable is not running near | Yes/No |
| a sharp edge |
5 | Ensure airClient along with antenna is | Yes/No |
| fixed properly on a tower with the help of |
| nuts and bolt supplied in packaging |
6 | Ensure antenna is pointed to get the best | Yes/No |
| RSSI and link Quality |
7 | Ping response | ms |
8 | Ping success rate | Percentage |
9 | Throughput test (Upload/Download) | Mbps |
10 | Link stability based on observation for 1 Hr | Yes/No |
Signature of Engineer:
Installation Date:
Commissioned Date:
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airClient™ Nexus User Guide | Page 10 of 66 |