Before starting to work, ensure that the Power SW is off. Failure to observe this can cause an electric shock or short circuit.
Be careful not to change wirings. Damaged wiring can cause electric shock or short circuit.
Do not touch undesignated places. Touching places not designated can cause electric shock or short circuit.
This work should be performed by the location’s Maintenance man or service man. Performing work by
Do not perform work other than what is specified in this Manual in order to prevent accidents during performing work and operation after performing work. Performing work not specified in this manual may require special train- ing for this product. If you perform work other than what is stated in this manual that is required for repair, contact the offices stated in the manual or where you purchased the product. Ask for repair or inquire how to repair.
Use caution when handling the parts inside the control panel. Be careful not to damage, misplace, or deform any parts. Damaging small a portion of
a part can cause malfunctioning.
When securing the
In this product the input units are mounted on the control panel. The input units include the left and right levers on the control panel, the Brake Lever (the