Modbus Implementation | Tank Gauge Transmitter |
Note! In all of the following communication examples, the error check value is dependent upon the mode of transmission.
9.5.1Integer Data
The integer data is a whole number between 0 and the maximum Modbus integer (inclusive). The maximum Modbus integer is a
The following communication example shows the request for one register starting at register 0 (0000 Hex).
For the following example, assume:
•minimum = 1 meter
•maximum = 15 meters
•maximum Modbus integer = 65,534
Host Request
Address | Function | Start Reg | Start Reg | # of Reg | # of Reg | Error |
| Code | H | L | H | L | Check |
01 | 03 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 01 | XX |
ATT Response |
| |
Address | Function | Byte | Data | Data | Error |
| code | Count | MSB | LSB | Check |
01 | 03 | 02 | 41 | 24 | XX |
48 | Installation and Operations Manual |