Camera Control
Choose serial interface
There are two types of serial interfaces supported by Camera Control. Administrators must set the correct “Interface mode” between RS232 and RS485 according to the attached device.
Choose device driver
If the attached device is PTZ driver, administrators should select the appropriate PTZ model. Refer to our Web site for newly supported PTZ drivers. If the attached PTZ camera is not in the support list, administrators can select “Custom Camera” to enter the proprietary commands for pan, tilt, zoom and focus control. If it is not a PTZ camera but another serial device like video multiplexer, administrators can select the “Generic CGI command” to control the device via CGI commands. See the URL of External Device Control section in the Chapter Advanced Function for details.
Port settings
After select the driver type, the correct port settings must be chosen depends on the camera type. Refer to the Appendix Settings for Supported PTZ Cameras for default settings of supported PTZ camera including baud rate, data bits, stop bit and parity bit.
Custom commands
Video Server provides five more custom commands other than general pan, tilt, zoom and preset functions. Administrators can click on “Custom commands” and refer to the instruction manual of the attached device to setup frequently used functions. The "Command" should be entered in ASCII format; Video Server will translate it into binary code and send it out through the serial port. For instance, a text string of "8101ABCDEF" will be translated into five bytes of hexadecimal 81, 01, AB, CD and EF. The maximal length of a command string is 60 which is equivalent to 30 hexadecimal bytes. "Display string" is for text on command buttons and should be less than 8 characters. If the “Custom Camera” is selected, there will be more commands for PTZF regarding to the custom camera.
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