Programming the discount key amount (-)
To program zero
Discount amount (max. six digits)
Key operation example |
1000 -
Discount amount
Programming the percent rate limitation (%)
You can program the upper limit of percent rates for percent entries.
(Percent entries that exceed the upper limit may be overridden in the MGR mode.)
To program zero
Percentage limit (0.00
∞or §
To program for another percent key
10.00% can be entered as 10or 1 0 . 0 0. The .key is needed only for fractional entry.
Key operation example |
Ñ29 ≈
15 . 00 ∞
Percentage limit
Programming function parameters for - and % keys
+/- sign
Programming of the +/- sign assigns the premium or discount function for each key.
Item % / Item â
Percent/discount calculation for the individual department and PLU
Subtotal % / Subtotal â
Percent/discount calculation for the subtotals
Limit amount (HALO) (For discount key only)
The HALO limit is in effect for the
To program “0” for all items
∞or §É
To program for another key