W i e b e T e c h L L C
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q:I've connected my ProSATA SS8 and can see the drives using the
A:Before drives can be added to a volume group they must be set to the status "Free Disk". To do this, browse to the "Physical Disk" page under the "Volume Config" heading. From here select the drives you would like to use and click "Free Disk". Once you've done that you should be able to configure the Free Disks into any setup you like.
Q: My ProSATA does not mount when I turn it on.
A:Because the ProSATA utilizes an internal operating system, it's important to let it completely initialize before mounting the drive to a computer. The ProSATA should take
Q: Can I remove the sides for better access?
A:Some users of the ProSATA may want to remove the side panels of the unit to allow for better access to internal components. However, doing this puts the unit at risk of overheating. Without the sides in place the fans are unable to provide the proper air flow necessary to keep the drives cool. When the unit is fully assembled, the fans are able to create a wind tunnel effect that constantly pushes fresh air through the unit and over the drives, keeping them from overheating.
Q: What happens when the beep alarm goes off?
A:If the unit starts to emit a regular beeping alarm, this is probably caused by a problem with the fan. Check the fan to make sure it is spinning. If so, make sure the wires connected to the fan are fully connected and are not caught in the fan's blades.
Q:What type of cable connector plugs into the
Q:I set up my ProSATA with a volume larger than 2TB, but when I connect to the Mac to format, Disk Utility shows the volume as exactly 2TB.
A:This problem has to do with the block size that the ProSATA's volume is using. This option is set during the creation of a User Data Volume. The only way to change the block size is to delete the current UDV and
Q: Can I move my drives from one ProSATA SS8 to another?
A:Changing a set of trays/drives from one ProSATA to another is tricky. You must reattach the LUN (Logical Unit Number) in the GUI after swapping the drives. LUN is the identifying number assigned to a UDV (User Data Volume) that allows the host system to distinguish between different UDVs.
ProSATA SS8 User Manual | - 38 - |