Chapter 2: Template files
The TRS process uses action and screen templates to maneuver through the screens of a host application. These templates exchange information with the host application screens and transfer information to and from the TRS’s buffers. Coupled with the VT100 emulation software and hardware, they provide the host with exactly the same type of input as a terminal operator.
This chapter explains how to:
•Determine the actions a terminal operator performs to enter and retrieve information
•Create the action and initial action template files that define the sequence of host application screens for each transaction
•Create the screen template files that define the sequence of fields encountered on each screen
Note: If you make backups of your template files, do not store them in the /u/ivr/3270 directory or in any subdirectory under /3270. You should make a directory at the same hierarchical level or higher as /3270. For example, if /u/ivr/3270bak is specified, the TRS process searches the /3270 directory and any subdirectories within it for files with the .act or .scn extensions.
Determining the required transactions
Imagine that you are an operator sitting at a terminal. In order to perform a specific task, you type information and press function keys until you accomplish the desired task. Perhaps a caller asks you to look up a customer’s account balance, or enter an order. The series of steps you perform at the terminal enable the application on the host computer to complete the transaction.
Meridian IVR VT100 Gateway Development Guide Product release 2.0/I