Host error messages
Action to take: Contact your Nortel service representative.
ERR: Create_idle_timer: Idle timer memory allocation failed
Meaning: TRS was unable to allocate memory for the idle timer structure.
Action to take: Contact your Nortel service representative.
ERR: Configuration file trs.conf not found
Meaning: Configuration file trs.conf was either not found or not readable.
Action to take: Create or change the permissions of trs.conf under 3270 directory.
ERR: No Application field in trs.conf
Meaning: Application name is not defined in trs.conf.
Action to take: Revise trs.conf so that it contains the application name before the ‘:’
ERR: An invalid entry in the trs.conf
Meaning: An illegal symbol occurred in the trs.conf file.
Action to take: Check syntax of the trs.conf file.
ERR: Init action missing,put - if not available
Meaning: Initial action template is missing from the trs.conf file.
Action to take: Add the initial action template in the trs.conf file or put
ERR: Ping action missing,put - if not available
Meaning: Heartbeat action template was missing from the trs.conf file.
Action to take: Add a heartbeat action template in the trs.conf file or put
Meridian IVR VT100 Gateway Development Guide Product release 2.0/I