Template files
The action templates, screen templates, and screen.conf file are ASCII text files that use a simple syntax to define the screen flow and input/output fields. The sections that follow provide a detailed explanation of the templates, as well as the information necessary to create the screen.conf file.
Action templates
A VT100 transaction typically moves through several screens until it locates specific information. The screens may be a series of commands issued at the operating system prompt, or they may be screens within an application running on the host computer. Whenever Meridian IVR 2.0/I references an action template, the VT100 Gateway executes the screen templates listed in the action template, moving through the application just as a terminal operator would. An action template must specify the same sequence of screens that the terminal operator traverses.
A separate action template defines each transaction. In the example shown in Figure
Action templates describe the flow of the screens that comprise a particular transaction. For example, if you want a transaction to access billing information for a specific client, as a terminal operator you would perform the following steps:
Procedure 2-1
Accessing transaction information
1Log on to the computer.
2Start the “acct” application.
3Select the “Accounts Receivable” menu.
4When prompted, enter the client’s account number and press the Return key. A screen would appear displaying the client’s billing information.
5Read the account information on the screen.
In a Meridian IVR 2.0/I VT100 transaction, an
Meridian IVR VT100 Gateway Development Guide Product release 2.0/I