ERR: Protocol missing, specify 3270 or VT100
Meaning: The protocol type was missing from the trs.conf protocol field.
Action to take: Make sure that ‘3270’ or ‘vt100’ is specified in the protocol field.
ERR: Incorrect syntax for ping action
Meaning: The heartbeat action template was specified incorrectly in the trs.conf file.
Action to take: Revise the trs.conf file so that the heartbeat field has the correct syntax.
ERR: Invalid Protocol xxx, protocol
Meaning: xxx is an invalid protocol.
Action to take: Revise the trs.conf file so that the protocol is either ‘3270’ or ‘vt100’.
ERR: Invalid entry non-numeric
Meaning: A
Action to take: Check the syntax of the trs.conf file.
ERR: A board # was not specified in the trs.conf
Action to take:
ERR: Possibly exceeded number of allowable boards
Meaning: The number of total boards defined in the trs.conf file exceeds the total number of boards the system allowed.
Action to take: Revise the trs.conf file and make sure the total board number does not exceed the maximum allowed which is 4.