each section of memory separately. Many system designers hardwire shadowing of the sys- tem BIOS and eliminate a System BIOS Shadow option. Video BIOS shadows into memory area
3.5 Chipset Features Setup
This option will change the values of the chipset registers and the system setting will alter. Do not change any values if you are not familiar with the chipset.
•Auto Configuration
Auto configuration selects predetermined optimal values of chipset parameters. When this function is disabled, chipset parameters revert to setup information stored in CMOS. Many fields in this screen are not available when Auto Configuration is enabled.
•EDO DRAM Speed Selection
The value in this field depends on performance parameters of the installed EDO memory chips (DRAM). Do not change the value from the factory setting unless you install new memory that has a different performance rating than the original DRAMs.
•EDO CASx# MA Wait State / EDO RASx# MA Wait State
Because the normal DRAM access speed is lower, CPU must wait for DRAM, this function could set up DRAM Memory Access wait state.