USER’S GUIDE switched rack pdu
Logged events
By default, any event which causes an SNMP trap will be logged, except for SNMP authentication failures. Additionally, the Switched Rack PDU will log its abnormal internal system events. However, you can use the Actions option in the Web interface’s Events menu to disable the logging of events based on their assigned severity level, as described in Event Actions (Web Interface Only).
Some System (embedded management card) events do not have a severity level. Even if you disable the event log for all severity levels, events with no severity level will still be logged.
To access a list of the System (embedded management card) and Switched Rack PDU (Device) events, see Event List page.
Web interface
The Log option in the Events menu accesses the event log. This log displays all of the events that have been recorded since the log was last deleted, in reverse chronological order. The Delete Log button clears all events from the log.