USER’S GUIDE switched rack pdu
Summary Page
When you log on to the web interface at the Switched Rack PDU, the status view is displayed at the right side of the screen, the quick status tab is displayed at the upper right, and the navigation menu is displayed at the left.
The Status view has three sections:
•The Device Status section reports any active alarm or warning conditions and displays the load for each phase, including a graphic representation of the load thresholds.
•The Outlet Status section shows the number, phase (for
•The Switched Rack PDU Parameters section shows the following:
–The Name, Contact, and Location information for the PDU
–The date and time you logged on
–The Type of User (Administrator, Device Manager, or Outlet User)
–The time(Up Time) the PDU has been running continuously since it was last reset or power was applied
–The rating of the PDU (1- or