| P | R | O | T | O | C | O | L | : |
| X | X | X | X | X | X |
N | E | W |
| P | R | O | T | O | C | O | L | : |
| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
This screen follows the LANGUAGE screen. This screen allows the communications protocol to be changed between the supported types. Use the <YES and NO> keys to move between the supported protocols – RTS / CTS is considered hardware handshaking and XON / XOFF is considered to be software. Pressing ENTER will update the communications protocol with the selection. Pressing the MODE / Down Arrow key will take the user to the next screen. Pressing the EXIT / Up Arrow key will take the user back to the "HOME" screen.
| B | A | U | D |
| R | A | T | E | : | X | X | X | X | X | X |
N | E | W |
| B | A | U | D |
| R | A | T | E | : | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
This screen follows the PROTOCOL screen. This screen allows the serial communications speed to be changed. Use the <YES and NO> keys to move between the supported speeds – typical is 9600 dependent on serial communication cable length. Pressing ENTER will update the communications speed with the selection. Pressing the MODE / Down Arrow key will take the user to the “CHANGE DATE AND TIME” screen. Pressing the EXIT / Up Arrow key will take the user back to the "HOME" screen.
C | H | A | N | G | E |
| D | A | T | E |
| A | N | D |
| T | I | M | E |
0 | 3 | / | 1 | 4 | / | 0 | 0 |
| 1 | 2 | : | 0 | 5 |
| P | M |
This screen follows the “BAUD RATE” screen. This screen allows the system date and time to be changed. When this screen appears, the first digit of the month will be blinking. (The date is shown in US format, MM/DD/YY.) Pressing the <YES and NO> keys will change the digit up and down respectively. Pressing ENTER will move to the next digit. Only the digits and the A or P in AM or PM can be changed. When all changes are complete, pressing the MODE / Down Arrow key will take the user to the “INKSAVE ENABLE / DISABLE” screen, and pressing the EXIT / Up Arrow key will take the user back to the “HOME” screen. If an illegal date or time is entered, this screen will be
User Manual Model 676 LOKPRINT® | Control Panel Operation • 31 |