Inserting a document
There are two ways to copy a document: You can place it onto the scanner glass (flatbed scanner) directly or load it into the automatic document feeder.
Flatbed scanner
1Open the flatbed scanner cover. Please make sure that the scanner glass is clean before placing the original.
Automatic feeder
Place the document face up into the document feeder (up to 10 pages on
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2Place the document face down onto the glass.
3Align it with back left corner of the scanner (marked with arrows).
If you want to scan small
If you are working with originals of an odd size or pho- tos, please use the flatbed scanner.
A5 size documents should be inserted landscape.
The following points are the most common caus- es of problems when inserting documents into the feeder. Do not insert ...
•pages that are smaller than A5.
•pages from newspapers (printer’s ink).
•stapled pages or pages with paper clips.
•creased or torn pages.
•wet pages or pages with corrections made with correction fluid; dirty pages or pages with a glossy or laminated surface.
•pages joined with sticky tape or glue, with adhe- sive stickers such as
Standard copy K
1Insert a document (see above).
2Choose one of the K keys (copying in colour or black and white) and press it twice.
“Creative” copy K
1Insert a document (see above).
2Press one of the K keys (copying in colour or black and white) once. You can now make the following settings:
3 Enter the desired number of copies and press
4The copying quality of the