Liebert SERIES 300 UPS manual Alarm Messages

Page 64

3.11Alarm Messages



Table 8

Alarm Messages




Meaning and


Corrective Action in Brackets [ ]






Input power out of tolerance

Frequency or voltage of the input power is outside the acceptable range. The



battery supplies power to the critical load through the UPS Module.









Charger in reduced current mode

Customer has selected reduced current operation of the charger from a contact



external to the UPS.



Battery charger problems

The battery is not being charged. The voltage produced by the charger is



insufficient to maintain a charge on the battery.



[Contact Liebert Customer Service and Support at 1-800-543-2378.]



Low battery warning issued

Battery has been discharging and the Low Battery Warning Time (factory set at



5 minutes, adjustable range 1 to 99 minutes) has been reached. Note time



stamp on alarm message.



[Follow appropriate procedures to shut down the critical load in an orderly






Low battery shutdown

Battery has discharged to the minimum allowable voltage and the UPS is shut



down. No power is being supplied to the critical load.



[When input power becomes available, perform a UPS start-up procedure.]




DC bus overvoltage


DC bus voltage has exceeded the specified limit and the charger has been



turned off. The charger will automatically restart when the DC bus voltage



returns to within tolerance.



[Contact Liebert Customer Service and Support at 1-800-543-2378 if this



condition persists for more than 2 minutes.]









Bypass frequency out of tolerance

Input power frequency is outside of the specified tolerance (adjustable range .5



to 5 Hz). Automatic transfers to the Static Bypass Line are prohibited.



[Do not operate the Rotary Switch while this condition is present.]



Load transferred to bypass due to

Critical load connected to the UPS has exceeded the UPS power rating. The



load has been automatically transferred to the Static Bypass Line. Power to the



load is not being conditioned by the UPS. An automatic retransfer will be



attempted when the load is reduced.



[Determine cause of the overload and reduce the load.]



Load transferred to bypass due to DC

DC bus voltage has exceeded the specified limit. The load has been



automatically transferred to the Static Bypass Line. An automatic retransfer will



be attempted when the DC bus voltage returns to within tolerance.



[Contact Liebert Customer Service and Support at 1-800-543-2378 if this



condition persists for more than 2 minutes.]



Excessive retransfers attempted

Several automatic retransfer attempts (15 attempts during 20 minutes or less)



have been made to retransfer the load from the Static Bypass Line back to the



UPS. The UPS has not been able to consistently sustain the load because of



an overload condition or an inverter failure. The load will remain on the Static



Bypass Line. Power to the load is not being conditioned by the UPS.



[Check other messages for inverter failure. Determine cause of the overload



and reduce the load.]




Static Switch failure


A fault has been detected in the Static Transfer Switch. Automatic transfers to



the Static Bypass Line are prohibited.



[Contact Liebert Customer Service and Support at 1-800-543-2378.]




58 Operation

Image 64
Contents Series 300 UPS Page Table of Contents Êïéïì ÊïéïëÊïèïì ÊïèïëÈïçïì ÈïçïëÈïçïê ÈïçïéLJXUHýì LJXUHýëLJXUHýê LJXUHýéImportant Safety Instructions PDLQWHQDQFHýRIý\RXUý6HULHVýêííý836ýDQGýEDWWHULHVï $ $51,1Page $87,21 PRVWýVLJQLILFDQWýFDXVHýRIýVWDUWðXSýSUREOHPVï$51,1 +$/ý92/7$*6ý,67ý,7+,1ý7+,6ý48,3017ý85,1*ýDefinitions Static Transfer Switch Maintenance Bypass LineExternal Maintenance Bypass Cabinet Static Bypass LineModes of Operation Through the UPS ModuleHFHVVýPRLVWXUHñýRUýGHEULVï Safety PrecautionsVXSSRUWLQJýWKHýORDGï Site Planning Data, Series 300 UPS, 10 to 50 kVA Site Planning Data, Series 300 UPS, 65 to 125 kVA Installation Considerations UPS Installation$ &$87,21 Unloading and External Inspection Internal Inspection of the UPS SystemEquipment Location YHUWLFDOýDWýDOOýWLPHVïBattery Installation Battery Safety PrecautionsMatching Battery Cabinets IHHWýDQGýUHPRYHýVXSSRUWLQJýGHYLFHïNon-Standard Batteries UPS Wire Size Guidelines Electrical WiringPower and Control Wiring Battery Wiring WKHý%DWWHU\ý&DELQHWýWRýWKHýDVVRFLDWHGý836ïÕZKHQýQHHGHGôï UHVXOWïCopper Aluminum or Copper-Clad Aluminum Connection Type / Wire Size Range Wiring Connections Wiring InspectionSingle Line Diagram 10-125 kVA Installation UPS Cabinet Installation Diagram 10-30 kVA UPS Cabinet Installation Diagram 40-50 kVA UPS Cabinet Installation Diagram 65-125 kVA Battery Cabinet Installation Diagram 22-inch Frame Battery Cabinet Installation Diagram 36-inch Frame Battery Cabinet Installation Diagram 36-inch Frame Control Wiring Diagram 10-30 kVA Control Wiring Diagram 40-50 kVA Control Wiring Diagram 65-125 kVA Field Wiring Terminations Field Wiring Terminations Operator Controls and Indicators Digital Display ScreenBlock Diagram of the Series 300 UPS Power Status Diagram Selection PadsRotary Switch Advisory Display\SDVVý/LQHï RSHUDWLRQïDisplay Screen Menu Menu Selection ArrangementDefault Screen Messages On MaintenanceNormal Operation Load on UPS Load XXX%Load on Static Switch Fault System ShutdownUPS on Battery Time Remaining XX MinutesUPS Response to an Alarm Alarm MessagesOperator Response to an Alarm Load XXX% a Phase XXX kVA B Phase XXX kVA C Phase XXX kVA System Status ScreensVoltage 410 Amps Charging 60.0 HzPress Review System Options Configuration Deutsche English Espanol Francais Italia Press To setRating Output Voltage RatingLow Battery NominalInput / Output Press To setAuto Battery Press To view or setMON APR 15 Time and DateAuto Restart ODWHUïAlarm History Alarm History Press To accessLamp Test Start-Up Start-Up ProcedureStart-Up from Position Power Testing chargerTesting inverter Press Button To start systemRotary switch to Testing batteryTesting static PositionTesting Input SynchronizationSRZHUýWRýWKHýFULWLFDOýORDGï WKHýORDGïý7KHýIROORZLQJýGHIDXOWýPHVVDJHýZLOOýDSSHDUãýAbnormal Conditions During Start-Up IýWKHýV\VWHPýGHWHFWVýDQýDEQRUPDOýFRQGLWLRQýGXULQJýVWDUWðXSãImproperly Operated Response to an Incorrect Start-Up SequenceFULWLFDOýORDGï RLQJýVRýZLOOýFDXVHýDQýLPPHGLDWHýORVVýRIýSRZHUýWRýWKHýORDGïNormal Operation Shutdown Please turnResponse to a Power Failure Calculating Time RemainingUPS Response VXSSO\ýSRZHUýWRýWKHýLQYHUWHUýZKLFKýVXSSRUWVýWKHýORDGïAs Battery Time Approaches Zero Operator ResponseOn Static Switch Response to a UPS Failure$QýDXGLEOHýDODUPýZLOOýVRXQGï WKHýFULWLFDOýORDGýWKURXJKýWKHý0DLQWHQDQFHý%\SDVVý/LQHïAlarm Messages UPS System Cooling Maintenance Steps To Take When To CallIýDQ\ýRIýWKHýDERYHýRFFXUã Preventive Maintenance Maintaining an Operator’s LogChanging the Air Filter Periodic Restart of the UPSMaintaining the Battery $957,66017 6ý3,&6ý6286ý$/,017$7,21ý65217ý/$,666ý6$16ý3527&7,21ý85$17ý&6ý352&856ýª1757,1ïý81ý 356211/ý48$/,,ý67ý548,6ý3285ý&785ý&6ýREVHUYpHVã Battery Voltage VDC PDQXDOïý $ &$87,21 Ìï HDUýIXOOýH\HýSURWHFWLRQýDQGýSURWHFWLYHýFORWKLQJïLiebert Customer Service and Support Maintenance AgreementsProfessional Start-up TrainingOptional External Maintenance Bypass Cabinet Installation Location ConsiderationsGeneral FDQQRWýEHýLQVWDOOHGýVHSDUDWHO\ýIURPýWKHý836ýPRGXOHïElectrical Wiring 127 5HIHUýWRýëïéïì ðý836ýLUHý6LHý*XLGHOLQHVïOperation Control Rotary Switch 7KHýWKUHHý5RWDU\ý6ZLWFKýSRVLWLRQVýDUHãFRQGLWLRQýKDVýEHHQýFRUUHFWHGï GLWLRQýRFFXUVïShutdown to Maintenance Position Optional Slim-Line Distribution Optional Remote Status PanelOptional Remote Contact Board RSWLRQýZKHQýDýUHPRWHýVWDWXVýSDQHOýRSWLRQýLVýSURYLGHGïUsing a Terminal as a Remote Station Optional RS-232 Interface PortRemote Front Panel Terminal Mode Key DescriptionSetting the Password PasswordEmerson Standard Protocol ESP Remote Load ControlWXUQýWKHýORDGýRQýRUýRIIýDWýZLOOï Using an Snmp Adapter OptionalPHQWDWLRQýVXSSOLHGýVHSDUDWHO\ï Modem Mode OFF Optional Internal ModemIncoming Calls Using the ModemOutgoing Calls 91000-000-0000 Pager Disabled000*000*000**?# DQýHYHQWýRFFXUVïý Calling a ModemVLEOHýZKHQýLWýFDOOVýDýSDJHUýVHUYLFHýQXPEHUï Üýíýìýëýêýéýèýçýæýåýäýðýõýôýñýúýý5ý7ý3ý#ýóýâý Editing the Phone NumbersWLRQã Testing the Dial-Out Setup Setting the Data RateDial Test OFF Last AttemptsOptional IBM AS/400 Signal Interface Optional SiteScan /Sitemaster Interface\RXýDUHýSUHSDUHGï ÌëííïOptional System/38 Power Warning Signal Optional Battery Circuit BreakerOptional DC Ground Fault Alarm Optional Contact Isolator BoardOptional Multi-Computer Interface System Optional IBM AS/400 Multi-Interface SystemOptional Maintenance Bypass Cabinet System Options Optional Slim-Line Distribution Optional Slim-Line Distribution Optional Remote Status Panel Optional Remote Contact Board Optional IBM AS/400 Signal Interface System Options Optional Battery Circuit Breaker 10-75 kVA Optional Battery Circuit Breaker 100-125 kVA Optional Computer Interface System Optional Multi-Computer Interface System Optional IBM AS/400 Multi-Interface System Electrical Specifications AC Inputs to UPSAC Output. UPS Inverter DXOWý&OHDULQJãý 6XEýF\FOHýFXUUHQWýRIýDWýOHDVWýêííøEnvironmental Specifications Mechanical SpecificationsRatings 7HPSHUDWXUHý5DQJHã ‡ 2SHUDWLQJãBattery DWWHU\ý7\SHãý6HDOHGñýOHDGðDFLGñýLQýPDWFKLQJýFDELQHWýýSpecifications XVWRPHUý5HVSRQVHý&HQWHUï SDFNDJHï5HYLVHGãý-XO\ýìääæ