Liebert SERIES 300 UPS Editing the Phone Numbers, Üýíýìýëýêýéýèýçýæýåýäýðýõýôýñýúýý5ý7ý3ý#ýóýâý

Page 90

Editing the Phone Numbers










Used to force the modem to perform a “hook flash” (i.e., hang up quickly and release)


operation. Although rapidly fading from use, this mechanism is sometimes used in office


phone systems to signal the local switchboard to listen for special codes to follow.




These characters are used only to make the field more readable. They are ignored by

( ) <SPACE>

the modem, and can be placed anywhere in the field.




The comma forces the modem to pause 2 seconds before continuing to dial. A typical


use of this feature would be when the UPS is connected to a local phone system which


requires you to dial ‘9’ to get an outside line. Some systems may need the modem to


pause for a bit after dialing 9 before an outside line can be assigned. In such an


instance, you might see the complete dial string looking like this: 9, 555-8243.




Like the comma, the W command causes the modem to wait before continuing. The


difference is that the comma imposes a fixed 2 second delay, while the W means “wait


for a dial tone”.




Used in pager display fields to signify the end of the number. Most pager service


equipment require that the pound symbol be used to terminate an entry.




Stands for “Reverse.” The R command is a prefix which tells the modem to connect with


an originate-only modem. If the modem on the remote end answers silently (without


asserting a carrier tone) you may be dealing with an originate-only modem. Such


modems are rare these days. The R should be prefixed to any digits dialed, i.e., R 9,





T, P

Select tone or pulse dialing. Only one of these can be used in a given number. They are


both prefixes, the T stands for tone (i.e., touch tone) and the P stands for pulse. By


default, the modem uses tone dialing. If the UPS is connected to a phone line which


requires pulse dialing, a P should be prefixed to the number, i.e., P 555-8325.




Use @ to dial a service that uses a recorded voice to request further information to be


tone-dialed, such as a password and a transaction code: 555-8325 @ 9876. The


modem dials the phone number, waits for one ring at the remote end, and then waits for


5 seconds before continuing to the next part of the dial string. The @ imposes a 5


second “quiet answer” pause.




Used in pager display strings to generate a separator character between fields in the


display window. For example, if the pager display string is 555*8325, it will appear in the


pager window as 555-8325.




Used to force the modem to return to command mode after dialing. Unless you are very


familiar with modems and know exactly what you’re doing, do not use this command.




This character, if present in a pager display string, will be replaced with the event ID


code before being transmitted to the pager service equipment (see Table 10 for the list


of ID codes and associated events). For example, if the modem is dialing a pager


because of a battery test failed, the ? character would be replaced with the number 1


before being transmitted, and the number 1 would then appear in the pager display


window at the same location in which it appeared in the pager display number field. The


? character has no meaning in a dial number (line 1) field, it should only be used in


pager display (line 2) fields.



84 System Options

Image 90
Contents Series 300 UPS Page Table of Contents Êïèïì ÊïéïìÊïéïë ÊïèïëÈïçïê ÈïçïìÈïçïë ÈïçïéLJXUHýê LJXUHýìLJXUHýë LJXUHýéImportant Safety Instructions PDLQWHQDQFHýRIý\RXUý6HULHVýêííý836ýDQGýEDWWHULHVï $ $51,1Page $51,1 $87,21PRVWýVLJQLILFDQWýFDXVHýRIýVWDUWðXSýSUREOHPVï +$/ý92/7$*6ý,67ý,7+,1ý7+,6ý48,3017ý85,1*ýDefinitions External Maintenance Bypass Cabinet Static Transfer SwitchMaintenance Bypass Line Static Bypass LineModes of Operation Through the UPS ModuleSafety Precautions HFHVVýPRLVWXUHñýRUýGHEULVïVXSSRUWLQJýWKHýORDGï Site Planning Data, Series 300 UPS, 10 to 50 kVA Site Planning Data, Series 300 UPS, 65 to 125 kVA UPS Installation Installation Considerations$ &$87,21 Equipment Location Unloading and External InspectionInternal Inspection of the UPS System YHUWLFDOýDWýDOOýWLPHVïBattery Installation Battery Safety PrecautionsMatching Battery Cabinets IHHWýDQGýUHPRYHýVXSSRUWLQJýGHYLFHïNon-Standard Batteries Electrical Wiring UPS Wire Size GuidelinesPower and Control Wiring ÕZKHQýQHHGHGôï Battery WiringWKHý%DWWHU\ý&DELQHWýWRýWKHýDVVRFLDWHGý836ï UHVXOWïCopper Aluminum or Copper-Clad Aluminum Connection Type / Wire Size Range Wiring Connections Wiring InspectionSingle Line Diagram 10-125 kVA Installation UPS Cabinet Installation Diagram 10-30 kVA UPS Cabinet Installation Diagram 40-50 kVA UPS Cabinet Installation Diagram 65-125 kVA Battery Cabinet Installation Diagram 22-inch Frame Battery Cabinet Installation Diagram 36-inch Frame Battery Cabinet Installation Diagram 36-inch Frame Control Wiring Diagram 10-30 kVA Control Wiring Diagram 40-50 kVA Control Wiring Diagram 65-125 kVA Field Wiring Terminations Field Wiring Terminations Operator Controls and Indicators Digital Display ScreenBlock Diagram of the Series 300 UPS Power Status Diagram Selection Pads\SDVVý/LQHï Rotary SwitchAdvisory Display RSHUDWLRQïDisplay Screen Menu Menu Selection ArrangementNormal Operation Default Screen MessagesOn Maintenance Load on UPS Load XXX%UPS on Battery Load on Static SwitchFault System Shutdown Time Remaining XX MinutesAlarm Messages UPS Response to an AlarmOperator Response to an Alarm Voltage 410 Amps Charging Load XXX% a Phase XXX kVA B Phase XXX kVA C Phase XXX kVASystem Status Screens 60.0 HzRating Press Review System Options ConfigurationDeutsche English Espanol Francais Italia Press To set Output Voltage RatingInput / Output Low BatteryNominal Press To setMON APR 15 Auto BatteryPress To view or set Time and DateAuto Restart ODWHUïAlarm History Press To access Alarm HistoryLamp Test Start-Up Procedure Start-UpStart-Up from Position Testing inverter PowerTesting charger Press Button To start systemTesting static Rotary switch toTesting battery PositionSRZHUýWRýWKHýFULWLFDOýORDGï Testing InputSynchronization WKHýORDGïý7KHýIROORZLQJýGHIDXOWýPHVVDJHýZLOOýDSSHDUãýAbnormal Conditions During Start-Up IýWKHýV\VWHPýGHWHFWVýDQýDEQRUPDOýFRQGLWLRQýGXULQJýVWDUWðXSãFULWLFDOýORDGï Improperly OperatedResponse to an Incorrect Start-Up Sequence RLQJýVRýZLOOýFDXVHýDQýLPPHGLDWHýORVVýRIýSRZHUýWRýWKHýORDGïNormal Operation Shutdown Please turnUPS Response Response to a Power FailureCalculating Time Remaining VXSSO\ýSRZHUýWRýWKHýLQYHUWHUýZKLFKýVXSSRUWVýWKHýORDGïAs Battery Time Approaches Zero Operator Response$QýDXGLEOHýDODUPýZLOOýVRXQGï On Static SwitchResponse to a UPS Failure WKHýFULWLFDOýORDGýWKURXJKýWKHý0DLQWHQDQFHý%\SDVVý/LQHïAlarm Messages UPS System Cooling Maintenance When To Call Steps To TakeIýDQ\ýRIýWKHýDERYHýRFFXUã Changing the Air Filter Preventive MaintenanceMaintaining an Operator’s Log Periodic Restart of the UPSMaintaining the Battery 3527&7,21ý85$17ý&6ý352&856ýª1757,1ïý81ý $957,660176ý3,&6ý6286ý$/,017$7,21ý65217ý/$,666ý6$16ý 356211/ý48$/,,ý67ý548,6ý3285ý&785ý&6ýREVHUYpHVã Battery Voltage VDC PDQXDOïý $ &$87,21 Ìï HDUýIXOOýH\HýSURWHFWLRQýDQGýSURWHFWLYHýFORWKLQJïProfessional Start-up Liebert Customer Service and SupportMaintenance Agreements TrainingGeneral Optional External Maintenance Bypass CabinetInstallation Location Considerations FDQQRWýEHýLQVWDOOHGýVHSDUDWHO\ýIURPýWKHý836ýPRGXOHïElectrical Wiring 127 5HIHUýWRýëïéïì ðý836ýLUHý6LHý*XLGHOLQHVïOperation Control Rotary Switch 7KHýWKUHHý5RWDU\ý6ZLWFKýSRVLWLRQVýDUHãFRQGLWLRQýKDVýEHHQýFRUUHFWHGï GLWLRQýRFFXUVïShutdown to Maintenance Position Optional Remote Contact Board Optional Slim-Line DistributionOptional Remote Status Panel RSWLRQýZKHQýDýUHPRWHýVWDWXVýSDQHOýRSWLRQýLVýSURYLGHGïUsing a Terminal as a Remote Station Optional RS-232 Interface PortRemote Front Panel Terminal Mode Key DescriptionEmerson Standard Protocol ESP Setting the PasswordPassword Remote Load ControlUsing an Snmp Adapter Optional WXUQýWKHýORDGýRQýRUýRIIýDWýZLOOïPHQWDWLRQýVXSSOLHGýVHSDUDWHO\ï Modem Mode OFF Optional Internal ModemUsing the Modem Incoming CallsOutgoing Calls Pager Disabled 91000-000-0000000*000*000**?# Calling a Modem DQýHYHQWýRFFXUVïýVLEOHýZKHQýLWýFDOOVýDýSDJHUýVHUYLFHýQXPEHUï Editing the Phone Numbers Üýíýìýëýêýéýèýçýæýåýäýðýõýôýñýúýý5ý7ý3ý#ýóýâýWLRQã Dial Test OFF Testing the Dial-Out SetupSetting the Data Rate Last Attempts\RXýDUHýSUHSDUHGï Optional IBM AS/400 Signal InterfaceOptional SiteScan /Sitemaster Interface ÌëííïOptional DC Ground Fault Alarm Optional System/38 Power Warning SignalOptional Battery Circuit Breaker Optional Contact Isolator BoardOptional Multi-Computer Interface System Optional IBM AS/400 Multi-Interface SystemOptional Maintenance Bypass Cabinet System Options Optional Slim-Line Distribution Optional Slim-Line Distribution Optional Remote Status Panel Optional Remote Contact Board Optional IBM AS/400 Signal Interface System Options Optional Battery Circuit Breaker 10-75 kVA Optional Battery Circuit Breaker 100-125 kVA Optional Computer Interface System Optional Multi-Computer Interface System Optional IBM AS/400 Multi-Interface System Electrical Specifications AC Inputs to UPSAC Output. UPS Inverter DXOWý&OHDULQJãý 6XEýF\FOHýFXUUHQWýRIýDWýOHDVWýêííøRatings Environmental SpecificationsMechanical Specifications 7HPSHUDWXUHý5DQJHã ‡ 2SHUDWLQJãBattery DWWHU\ý7\SHãý6HDOHGñýOHDGðDFLGñýLQýPDWFKLQJýFDELQHWýýSpecifications SDFNDJHï XVWRPHUý5HVSRQVHý&HQWHUï5HYLVHGãý-XO\ýìääæ