Airlink101 AR685W user manual Traffic Type, Protocol

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please input 80-90; if you want to apply this rule on a single port, just


input the port number, such as 80. If the remote (destination) IP address


and /or port number is universal, just leave it blank.

Traffic Type

Please select the traffic type of this rule, available options are None,


SMTP, HTTP, POP3, and FTP. You can select a specific traffic type for


this rule, if you want to make this rule as a IP address based rule (apply


the limitation on all traffics from / to the specified IP address / port


number), select “None”.


Please select the protocol type of this rule, available options are TCP


and UDP. If you dont know what protocol your application uses, please


try “TCP” first, and switch to “UDP” if this rule doesn’t seems to work.

After you finish with all settings, please click “Save” button, you’ll be brought back to previous menu, and the rule you just set will appear in current QoS table; if you did anything wrong, you’ll get an error message when you click “Save” button, please correct your input by the instructions given by the error message.

After you finish with all QoS settings, please click “Apply” button.

If you want to reset all settings in this page, please click “Cancel” button.

After you clicked Apply, the following message will be displayed on your web browser:

You can click “Continue” to back to previous setup page to continue on other setup procedures, or click “Apply” to reboot the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for about 30 seconds while router is rebooting).


Image 59
Contents Wireless N 300 Green Router Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement Table of Contents Troubleshooting Technical Support Package Contents FeaturesFront Panel LEDs Router InterfaceAntenna a Antenna B Using EZ Setup Wizard Installing the RouterPage Page Dynamic IP Cable Modem users PPPoE DSL users Page Congratulations! Your router configuration has been finished Connecting to the Router Wirelessly Page Using Web Configuration Utility Page Current Time Setup WizardEnable NTP Update Host Name Time ZoneTime Server Address Daylight SavingsSecondary DNS Primary DNSConnection Type PasswordService Name User NamePptp Connection ID Pptp GatewayL2TP Gateway Telstra Big PondServer IP Address Assign login server manuallyAssociated Clients BandChannel Number WPA2AES Page 1 WAN Network802.1d Spanning Tree 2 LANIP address Subnet MaskDhcp Client End IP Enable Static Dhcp LeasesLease Time Dhcp Client Start IPPage NAT / Static Routing Delete All DeleteProvider Password/KeyDdns Dynamic DNSBasic Settings WirelessShow Active Clients See to for each encryption type Wireless SecurityEnable 802.1x Authentication EncryptionKey Format Default Tx KeyKey Length Encryption Key 1~4 WPA Pre-share KeyPre-shared Key Radius Server PasswordWPA Unicast Cipher Suite Pre-shared Key FormatClear Enable MAC ControlMAC Control CommentPage Advanced Settings Broadcast Essid Tx PowerChannel Width Preamble Type5 WPS Page Configure by Client PinCode Enable WPSConfig Mode Configure by Push ButtonVirtual Server Port Forwarding Application & GamingYou can also click ‘Reset’ button to unselect all Popular Application Enable Special ApplicationsSpecial Applications Port Triggering TCP/UDP Port to OpenAdd in red box Parameter DescriptionClient PC IP address Enable DMZ3 DMZ Public IPButton ALG Settings 5 QoS Bandwidth Move UpMove Down Rule NameProtocol Traffic TypeDeny/Allow Access RestrictionsEnable IP & Port Filtering 1 IP & Port FilteringPort Range Client ServiceClient PC Description Page Current MAC Filtering Table Enable MAC FilteringMAC Filtering Client PC MAC AddressIf you want to delete a specific MAC address entry, check Current URL Blocking Table Enable URL Filtering3 URL/Keyword Filtering URL/KeywordFirewall SecurityDoS Denial-of-Service Ping of Death L2TP pass through VPN Pass throughIPsec pass through Pptp pass throughTime AdministrationManagement Current PasswordNew Password Confirmed PasswordReset Reboot Remote Management Firmware Upgrade Restore to Factory Default Configuration SettingsBackup Settings Restore SettingsRefresh 6 LogSave Statistics LAN Status StatusInternet Connection Status System Status Wlan Wireless LAN StatusTroubleshooting Technical Support