| Known Problems 39 |
LAN Network Manager | If you have previously configured your LAN Network Manager to use the |
with NETBuilder II | NETBuilder II system as a virtual ring, and you want to use it as a physical ring, you |
Systems | must set your virtual ring number back to None. |
LLC2 Frames and PPP | LLC2 frames are not sent or received over PPP unless global bridging is enabled |
| using the SETDefault |
| LLC2 on the port using: |
| SETDefault !<port> |
| If bridging is enabled and you do not want bridging, either set the |
| CONTrol parameter to NoForward, or disable bridging on individual ports by |
| setting the following command: |
| SETDefault |
Remote Access | To increase network security, the default value for the NetAccess parameter in the |
Default Change | SYS Service is set to NoRemote. This means that by default, no remote connection |
| attempts will be accepted by the bridge/router. If you are accustomed to or want |
| to use remote access, you must specifically set the value of the NetAccess |
| parameter to Remote. |
SuperStack II and | For SuperStack II and OfficeConnect NETBuilder bridge/routers, flash memory is |
OfficeConnect Boot Path | the only storage media, which is not designated with a drive letter. When entering |
| the boot path, do not specify a drive letter. Specifying a drive letter causes the |
| boot load to fail. |
V.25bis Modem Setup | If you are using a V.25bis modem with a NETBuilder boundary routing leaf node, |
| and you configure the line type explicitly as dial rather than auto, be certain to also |
| set the DialMode to V.25bis rather than use the default of DTR. |
Web Link | When you set the DocumentPath parameter in the WebLink service to a local file, |
Documentation Path | drive C for example (“file:///c:”), the Web Link assumes that access to the |
| NETBuilder bridge/router takes place only from the computer to which the file is |
| local. If Web Link is used from any other computer, the browser looks on its local |
| “C” drive for the help pages. If the computer is a UNIX machine and these files are |
| not present as expected, unpredictable browser behavior will result. |
Zmodem Time Out | A Zmodem file transfer from a PC to a SuperStack II or OfficeConnect |
| bridge/router can take a long time. To minimize the possibility that the PC |
| Zmodem software will time out during the download, run the DEFRag command |
| on the SuperStack II bridge/router before beginning the file transfer. The DEFRag |
| command reclaims dirty space in flash memory. Dirty space is memory that has |
| been written on and cannot be used again until it has been erased. |
Known Problems | This section describes known problems in software version 11.1. Topics are in |
| alphabetical order. |
APPN | If you set up APPN routing in an SNA Boundary Routing configuration from a |
and SNA Boundary | NETBuilder II bridge/router to a leaf node bridge/router, |
Routing | the remote site PC and the NETBuilder II bridge/router are established before you |
| can configure the Boundary Routing configuration on the NETBuilder II |
| bridge/router. However, after you set the |
| and enable the |