MICR Password Error | Password Match |
| Error |
Password Not Enabled Error |
Invalid AES/DES key |
Purge Audit Report, Then |
Format |
File System Error Can’t Open |
File |
Can’t Create Node |
Secure File Not |
Unlocked/Opened/Written/Read |
Password sent does not match the current stored password.
A secure command was sent without the password being sent first
Invalid hex digit or length of decryption key
An SFF command was received, but there is audit data in flash which should not be erased There was an internal error while trying to access flash for audit trail There was insufficient memory to track another audit job
There was an internal error while trying to access Flash for an STL or STP command
software, it must be eight characters long.
Check the Password Command in your software.
Check software to ensure that password is sent before any secure commands
Check syntax of SETAESKEY or
Purge the audit data, then resend the SFF command
Check that Flash is installed and not full
Turn printer off and back on, then retry. If the problem recurs, call Tech Support
Print the menus to ensure that Flash is installed. Print a directory of Flash to ensure that is it not write protected or full. If error occurs on STP command, check to confirm that the resource is stored in Flash.
Secure MICR Printer User’s Guide | 48 |
September 2005 |
© Source Technologies All Rights Reserved