Altec Lansing 4100 manual USE of Controls

Page 5

Stereo x2 Setup:

1. Conne ctth e orange p lug fro m th e RIGH T FRONT Sate lite into th e jack

m ark e d R IGH T FRONT on th e Subwoofe r;re p e a tth is

proce dure for th e LEFT

FRONT Sate lite , conne cting th e brown plug from th e

LEFT FRONT Sate lite

to th e jack m ark e d LEFT FRONT on th e Subwoofe r.


2. Conne ctth e purple plug from th e RIGH T REAR Sate lite into th e jack

m ark e d R IGH T REAR on th e Subwoofe r, re pe at th is procedure for th e LEFT REAR Sate lite , conne cting th e gold plug from th e LEFT REAR Sate lite to th e jack m ark e d LEFT REAR on th e Subwoofe r.

3.Conne ctth e gray DIN plug from th e Syste m Controle r unit into th e DIN jack m ark e d CONTROLLER on th e Subwoofe r. Note th at th e DIN plug h as

an arrow. Th e arrow s h o u ld be face up for corre ctins e rtion into th e DINjack

on th e Subwoofe r.



4. Se le ctth e 6.5 ft(5m ) cable w ith

lim e

gre e n 3 . 5 m m s te re o plugs on each

end and connectone e nd into th e


labe le d FRONT on th e Subwoofe r and

th e oth e r to th e 3.5 m m outputjack on your audio source (CD Playe r, s te re o c a s s e tte p laye r, com pute r sound card, e tc.).

5. Optional: Conne ct a s e cond audio s ource to th e Auxiliary Input at th e back of th e Subwoofe r. Se e H ow To Enh ance Pre s e ntations W i th Dialogue and Oth e r Us e s For Th e (Aux) Auxiliary Input be low.

6. Conne ctth e power cord (at back o fSubwoofe r) to an AC W a ls o c k e t.

7. Th e unitis now ready to ope rate . Turn on th e audio source de vice .

Note: Always turn on your audio source de vice be fore turning on your Alte c Lansing 4100 Speaker Sys te m . If you turn on th e s pe ak e r s ys te m be fore turning on th e audio source , you wilh e ara loud POP sound wh e n th e audio de vice i s turned on.

8. Turn on th e Alte c Lans ing 4100 Spe ak e rSyste m . Se e U S E O F CONTROLS be low.

Front Input and (Aux) Auxiliary Input

Both Inputs are e q ual. Th e Aux (Auxiliary) Input is located on th e re a rofth e

Subwoofe r. One Inputcan be

us e d for th e compute r output and th e oth e r as

de s cribe d in "H o w to Enh ance

Pre s e n tations w ith D ialogue . " M a k e

conne ctions as describe d above (CONNECTIONS). Do notins e rtth e AC

p o w e r plug into th e w a loutle t be fore a lconne ctions a re m a d e .


Conne ctyour h e adph one s to th e jack on th e

Syste m

Controle r. W h e n

h e adph one s are conne cte d, als p e a k e rs a re

m u te d .



Power On/Off

Th e Pow e rOn/Offbutton is located on th e Syste m

Controle r. Pre s s

th e

Pow e rbutton to turn on th e s pe a k e r s y s te m . Pus h

it again to turn th e

unit off.

A gre e n LED power indicator in th e LED grouping above th e Mode button wil glow to s h ow power is on.

Master Volume Control

Locate th e rotary k nob on th e Syste m Controle r.

Th e

rotary k nob acts a s

th e M a s te rVolu m e controland h a s s e ve ralfunctions .

It ope rate s as a

M a s te r Volum e

controlforth e ove rals ys te m w h e n

no oth e rbuttons h ave

be e n push e d.

Itis als o us e d to individualy adjus tth e

le ve ls o fbass, tre ble ,

and re ar sound. Ifany ofth e s e functions i s s e le cte d and notu s e d for a fe w s e conds, th e controlre ve rts back to be com ing a Mas te rVolu m e control.


le ve lindicators around th e controls h ow th e

pos ition ofth e

control. In

th e

e xtre m e counte rclock w i s e

p o s i tion alLED's


off. As th e

controli s

rotated clock w is e th e LED's ilum inate one at a tim e

untilin th e

m axim um

pos ition, wh e n alLED's are glowing.




Ifone of th e function buttons

h a s b e e n d e p re s s e d (Bas s , Tre ble

or Mode ),

th e

rotary k nob wiladju s tth e

le ve lofth e function s e le cte d. Th e gre e n

function indicatorassociate d with th e function s e le cte d w i lbe ilum inate d.

S e e

Tre b le /Ba s s S e le ctors b e low.




Treble/Bass Selectors





Th e

Bas s

and Tre ble buttons

are located on th e

Syste m Controle r. W h e n

th e

Bas s

button is pus h e d, th e b a s s LED wilturn on and th e rotary k nob wil

ch ange th e le ve lof bass on als p e a k e rs , h aving th e

gre ate s te ffe ct on th e

subwoofe r. Th e LEDs around th e rotary knob willigh t one at a tim e to

indicate th e le ve lof bas s boost or bas s re duction. Th e ce nte rLED indicate s

th e de fault pos i tion. Push ing th e bass button again wili m m e d i a te ly e xit th is

function. To re s e tth e bas s le ve lto th e de fault pos i tion, h old th e bass button

down forth re e

s e conds.

Pus h ing th e Tre b le button wilre s u ltin a similar patte rn. Wh e n th e tre ble

button is p u s h e d ,

th e tre b le LED wilturn on and th e rotary k nob wilch ange

th e

le ve loftre ble

on als p e a k e rs . Th e LEDs around th e rotary k nob willigh t


at a tim e

to indicate th e le ve lof tre ble boos tor re duction. Th e ce nte r

LED indicate s

th e

d e faultposition. Pus h ing th e tre ble button again wil

im m e d iate ly e xit th is function. To re s e tth e tre b le le ve lto th e d e faultposition, h old th e tre ble button down forth re e s e conds.

Mode Selector

Th e Mode S e le ctor button is locate d on th e Sys te m

Controle r. Th e

M o d e

s e le ctor ch ange s th e ope ration of th e

s ys te m fro m

o n e m o d e to th e

ne xt:

Ste re o x2, and Gam ing. Pre s s i n g th e

Mode button cycle s th rough

th e two

m ode s . In Ste reo x2 mode (syste m de fault) th e FrontInput plays on both th e

Front and th e Rear Sate lite s and th e

Subwoofe r. In Gam ing m ode , th e Front

Input plays on th e

Front Sate lite s , th e

Re ar Input plays on th e


Sate lite s , and th e

Subwoofe r plays from b o th th e Front and th e

Re ar Inputs .

Rear Volume Level Adjustments

To adjustth e volu m e le ve lofth e Rear Sate lite s , in e i th e r th e Ste re o x2 or Gam ing m ode , h old down th e M o d e b u tton for approxim ate ly 3 s e conds. Th e

LED to th e le ftin th e LED group around th e

Maste r Volum e


k nob) wilbegin flas h ing. Th is indicate s th e

Maste r Volum e

controlis now

program m e d to adjustth e le ve lofth e Rear s p e a k e rs . Th e

LEDs around th e

rotary k nob willigh tone a ta tim e to indicate

th e s tre ngth ofRear s p e a k e r

le ve l. Pus h ing th e M o d e b u tton again wilim m e d iate ly e xit th is function.


th e controlis notactive ly us e d for a s h ort w h ile , th e controlre ve rts back


Maste r Volum e controlfunction. Th e de faultre a rs pe a k e r le ve lis atth e


ce n te rLED position.


Th e rotary k nob re ve rts to Maste rVolum e controlfunction wh e n a pe riod of3 s e conds of inactivity occurs afte r adjus ting th e bass, tre ble , or re ar s p e a k e r le ve ls .

System Reset to Factory Default Settings

Ifth e 4100 is turne d on, pre s s

th e

Powe r button to turn it off. To re turn to

factory de faults e ttings, pre s s


th e Bas s and Tre ble buttons atth e

s am e

tim e a n d w h ile h olding th e m down, plug in th e 4100. Th i s w i lre s e tth e

bas s ,

tre ble , m ode , volum e a n d re ar volu m e s e ttings .


Image 5
Contents Page Rear View Safety Instructions Gaming setup Feature HighlightsIntroduction ConnectionsUSE of Controls Specifications Placement of SpeakersVolum e of m y s p e a k e rs ? Controle r h as m ultiple pins on one end,Do notwork Are Plugge d in corre ctly and h ave a goodPage Troubleshooting Conexiones Configuración para juegosCaracterísticas Principales USO DE LOS Controles Entradas Frontal Y AuxiliarCómo Mejorar LAS Presentaciones CON Diálogos Colocación DE LAS BocinasOtros Usos DE LA Salida Auxiliar EspecificacionesPara obtener servicio al cliente Consejos Para Resolver ProblemasApagados Elcable Todos los LE D s e s tá n La unidad no e s tá pre ndidaDe la De a trá s d e lRaccordements Configuration mode JeuxPoints Forts Entrée Avant ET Entrée Auxiliaire Utilisation DES CommandesAutres Utilisations DE Lentrée Auxiliaire Installation DES EnceintesComment Améliorer VOS Présentations Avec DES Dialogues Enceintes satellites amplifiées CaractéristiquesCaisson de basses Alimentation électriqueService clientèle Contrôle ur Pas d e té m oin alum éCourantalte rnatif Larriè

4100 specifications

The Altec Lansing 4100 is a dynamic speaker system that delivers an impressive auditory experience, merging cutting-edge technology with elegant design. Known for its robust sound quality, the 4100 has garnered a loyal following among audio enthusiasts and casual listeners alike.

One of the main features of the Altec Lansing 4100 is its powerful subwoofer. This subwoofer is engineered to deliver deep, rich bass, making it ideal for music lovers who appreciate a full-bodied sound. The system is capable of filling a room with immersive audio, ensuring that whether you are enjoying music, movies, or games, the sound is both clear and impactful.

The 4100 also incorporates advanced audio technologies such as digital signal processing (DSP), which enhances sound quality by optimizing the audio output according to the acoustics of the environment. This feature ensures that listeners experience the best possible sound, regardless of where they are seated. Additionally, the system supports multiple input options, including USB and auxiliary connections, making it versatile for various audio sources, from computers to smartphones.

With a sleek, modern design, the Altec Lansing 4100 not only performs well but also adds a touch of elegance to any space. The speakers are housed in a stylish cabinet that minimizes distortion, ensuring that sound fidelity is maintained.

Another notable characteristic is the system's user-friendly controls, which allow for easy adjustment of volume and sound settings. The wireless remote makes it convenient to manage playback from a distance, making the Altec Lansing 4100 an excellent choice for home entertainment setups.

The build quality of the Altec Lansing 4100 is robust, offering durability that ensures longevity. The components are carefully selected to withstand regular use while maintaining their performance.

In conclusion, the Altec Lansing 4100 stands out with its powerful subwoofer, advanced DSP technology, and stylish design, making it an impressive choice for anyone seeking high-quality audio performance. Whether for casual listening or serious music production, the 4100 promises to elevate any auditory experience, combining features that cater to both functionality and aesthetic appeal.