1 From the Main Menu window, select the Send Fax —
2 Enter the Fax number, Name, and Company information in these fields
3 Complete the Subject and Cover page note fields.
4 Click on the Attachments... button to add any file(s) you want to send with it. 5 Click the Send Fax button.
Sending a Fax from a Windows® Application
You can send a fax directly from any Windows® application using the following steps:
1 Create the document in a Windows® application.
2 Select Brother MFL Fax as your printer.
15 - 4 U S I N G T H E M U L T I - F U N C T I O N L I N K ® S O F T W A R E ( F O R M F C 6 6 0 M C O N L Y )