Programming Exercises
In this section you will learn how to write programs to make your WonderBorg move.
Exercise 1: Creating a Program that Simply Makes the Robot Go Forward
We’re now going to program the WonderBorg to continuously walk forward, like toy robots.
Panel 1
If there is no sensor reaction, the WonderBorg will take one step forward. By repeating this action, it will move forward continuously. Even if its antennae touch something, it has not been told what to do in this situation, so it will just keep going forward.
The next step is to send the program to your WonderBorg, and make it execute the program. Turn the WonderBorg’s POWER switch ON, place it in front of the Interface, and click the "download to robot" button at the top right of the Panel screen. If the WonderBorg gives a short beep, the transmission has been completed successfully. If you now press the START/STOP button on the WonderBorg’s back, the robot will start moving. To stop the robot when it is moving, press the START/STOP button again.
Exercise 2: Modifying the Program so that the
WonderBorg can Avoid Obstacles
We’re now going to modify the program from Exercise 1 so that the WonderBorg will use its touch sensor to detect obstacles, and take evasive action.
Panel 1
Add this section to the program from Exercise 1
Here, the program for Exercise 1 is augmented with commands to be executed if the antennae reacts. If the right antenna reacts, the robot is instructed to back up and rotate to the left, and if the left antenna reacts, to back up and rotate to the right. If both antennae react at the same time, the upper sensor block takes priority. In this case, the right antenna is prioritized, so the robot will back up and rotate to the left.
It is now time to test the program. By making the WonderBorg execute this program in various different locations, you will be able to find out what works best in terms of the number of steps taken when going backward and when turning. You can alter the numbers in the program very easily by
Although this program uses the touch sensors, the infrared sensors can also be used in the same way. Try replacing "right antenna" with "something on the right", and "left antenna" with "something on the left". Again, the numbers can be altered very easily just by