Alcatel-Lucent manual Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Networking Solution

Page 14

“Managed services delivered by a service provider is an increasingly popular and preferred alternative to internal management of network- based services.”

C h a l l e n g e s a n d O p p o r t u n i t i e s i n t h e E n t e r p r i s e N e t w o r k s M a r k e t, I D C , F e b r u a ry 2 0 0 8

“Corporate traffic continues to grow unabated…; corporations are finding and exceeding the technology capacity limits of legacy frame relay, ATM, and private line networks; as these barriers are exceeded, corporations look for technology solutions with greater headroom that provide more bandwidth at a smaller price per bit, and the natural answer is Ethernet, and/or Ethernet access combined with IP MPLS VPNs.”

E t h e r n e t a n d I P M P L S V P N S e r v i c e s,

I n f o n e t i c s

14Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Networking Solution

Image 14
Contents Managed Business Networking Solution Introduction Keeping up with enterprise needs Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Networking Solution Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Networking Solution Increase revenue by up-selling managed services Alcatel-Lucent 7710 SR Business VPN Service Delivery ArchitectureAlcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Aware Manager SAM Alcatel-Lucent 7450 ESSOverall results indicate that the tested solution Choice of premium IP-VPNs and Carrier Ethernet VPNsOn investment ROI Key features ROI Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Networking Solution Extending service reach with Managed Business Access Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Networking Solution Securing the network with Managed Business Security Ability to maintain control of networks, monitor Value for service providersValue for enterprises Personnel cost staff reduction or re-allocation Server costs consolidation leading to reducedVPN Consultative Marketing Program Partnering with Alcatel-Lucent CAR7526080810