Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Network manual Choice of premium IP-VPNs and Carrier Ethernet VPNs

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“The overallresultsindicate that thetested solution

is oneof the mostcomprehensiveservice delivery solutions availableinthe industry.”

D r . B i j a n J a b b a r i , p r e s i d e n t o f I s o c o r e

A choice of premium IP-VPNs and Carrier Ethernet VPNs

Leveraging IP/MPLS, premium IP- VPNs provide multi-site Layer 3 IP networking with the performance and resiliency necessary to run today’s latency-sensitive applications, such as VoIP and IP video, while providing a smooth upgrade path for the future. These VPNs are suitable for any type of enterprise, but are a particularly good choice for small and medium enterprises that want you to manage all aspects of routing, which may include visibility and control of their routing domain. You can provide any-to-any connectivity, which reduces the cost of connecting multiple sites, and customize service offerings by bundling data, voice, video and other options.

With Carrier Ethernet VPNs using virtual private LAN service (VPLS), you can expand your managed business VPN services and address a wider market — by providing the same multi-point service benefits offered by IP-VPNs, but at Layer 2. These “any-to-any” Carrier Ethernet VPNs, also known as E-LAN services, provide multi-point connectivity between enterprise sites. They combine the OPEX benefits, simplicity, transparency and scalable bandwidth of Ethernet with the predictable QoS, reliability and scalability of MPLS. In addition, these VPNs allow enterprises to maintain full control of their routing domain, which is important for many large enterprises. They also provide transparent support for the multiple network protocols still found in many enterprise networks.

By supporting both Layer 3 premium IP-VPNs and Layer 2 Carrier Ethernet VPNs, the Alcatel-Lucent MBN solution allows you to address a wider market and meet the needs of any enterprise, ranging from small to large. With the solution’s advanced features, you can differentiate your offerings from commoditized, low-margin bandwidth-only services.

Independent verification of Alcatel- Lucent’s Business VPN service capability

The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR product has been independently tested by ISO- CORE to have state-of-the-art service scaling capabilities. As key components of the Alcatel-Lucent MBN solution, the Alcatel-Lucent 7450 ESS and 7750 SR have also been validated independently by ISOCORE for mass deployment of converged business VPN and residential triple-play services. The indepen-

dent performance verification tested more than 43,500 enterprise class Layer 2 and Layer 3 business VPN services, as well as 120,000 active subscriber hosts, to represent a dense metropolitan region.

The test also included an in-depth evaluation of Alcatel-Lucent’s enhanced subscriber management, H-QoS, security, subscriber host authentication, high availability and operation, administration and maintenance (OAM), as well as a thorough analysis of architecture flexibility — to support deployments in any mode of operation

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Contents Managed Business Networking Solution Introduction Keeping up with enterprise needs Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Networking Solution Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Networking Solution Increase revenue by up-selling managed services Business VPN Service Delivery Architecture Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Aware Manager SAMAlcatel-Lucent 7710 SR Alcatel-Lucent 7450 ESSOverall results indicate that the tested solution Choice of premium IP-VPNs and Carrier Ethernet VPNsOn investment ROI Key features ROI Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Networking Solution Extending service reach with Managed Business Access Alcatel-Lucent Managed Business Networking Solution Securing the network with Managed Business Security Ability to maintain control of networks, monitor Value for service providersValue for enterprises Personnel cost staff reduction or re-allocation Server costs consolidation leading to reducedVPN Consultative Marketing Program Partnering with Alcatel-Lucent CAR7526080810