Forrester also carried out
1.TELUS, the public Canadian telecommunications company
2.NextGenTel, a
3.TeliaSonera, a leading telecommu- nications company in the Nordic region and throughout Europe
4.PT Prime, the business solutions branch of Portugal Telecom, the Portuguese public telecommunica- tions provider
•Dramatically accelerates service provisioning
•Improves network visibility overall, allowing for more efficient management of errors and other problems
•Reduces OSS software develop- ment costs, by eliminating the need for some custom OSS soft- ware development
•Provides strategic flexibility for new product development, because services can be deployed faster and more economically
“The business case for introducing the Alcatel- Lucent 5620 SAM was positive, even if we only considered service provisioning and OSS integration. It was the most
J o s e Pa l m a , E n g i n e e r i n g D e pa r t m e n t, P T P r i m e
“We have typically developed our own systems and CLI scripts for provisioning and managing our IP network. But we revised that strategy when we looked at introducing
J o r n E . H o d n e , T e c h n i c a l C h i e f, N e x t G e n T e l