Command Format: {SETVKn}
Kn = Key # (n = # from 1 to 36)
C2 is an
This command resets a key to normal function.
Command Format: {CLRVKn}
Kn = Key # (n = # from 1 to 36)
Change Key 8 in the previous example back to a normal key by sending {CLRVK8}. Key 8 will now support the normal 5 states of operation.
This command uploads a key program from the panel so it may be saved and edited as a text file. The same file may be downloaded back into the panel. Sub numbers and labels are saved, but VOLUME and LOCKED settings are not.
Before uploading or downloading, the rate must be set to the default zero, [RATE=0]. There is no unit ID information in the key program. The key program may be uploaded from any unit, for
example {UPLKU2}. However, when downloading a key program all units connected to the bus will receive the same key program.
There are two parts to the key program file. The first contains the subroutine information and the second the label information.
Format: | { $ , Key# , : , subroutines } |
Example: | { $ 0 1: 1 , 5 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 } |
Format: | { % , Key# , : , Label } |
Example: | { % 0 1 : VIDEO_CAMERA } |
Command Format: {UPLK}
n= Key # (n = # from 1 to 36) Example: Using HyperTerminal
Upload the key program file from the panel and save it into a text file. Edit the text file using a text editor and then download the new key program into the control panel.
Start a new connection in HyperTerminal as “Direct to Com”. Make the following settings:
Bits per Second | = 9600 baud |
Date Bits | = 8 bits |
Parity | = None |
Stop Bits | = 1 |
Flow Control | = None |
1.Set the rate to zero, [RATE=0].
2.Click Transfer > Capture Text
3.Enter the file name (ex: MTKeys.txt).
NOTE: If the file already contains text, HyperTerminal will append the file.
4.Click Start.
5.Send {UPLK} to upload the program.
6.Click Transfer > Capture Text > Stop.
1.Use a text editor to modify the file MTKeys.txt as saved above.
1.Open the text file and select all the text.
2.Click Edit > Copy from the menu.
3.Select HyperTerminal.
4.Click Edit > Paste to Host.
5.Send the command {RDK*} and verify modifications were saved.
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