FastStor Error Messages
If, during operation of your FastStor an error occurs, the FastStor will halt the current operation and an error message will be displayed on the LCD. In all cases, after removing the cause of the problem, cycle power on your FastStor and try the last operation again.
Error Message Listing
A description of each of the FastStor error messages is provided in the following table:
Error Name | Description | Error Name | Description |
SERIAL RCV | Interprocessor communication error | PCKR EMPTY * | The media picker was empty |
SRC EMPTY * | The source location is empty | SLOT FULL * | There was medium in slot |
dEST FULL * | The destination location is full | NVM SELECT | NVRAM selection failure |
CPU RX ERR | The motion CPU is not ready to receive | NVM WRITE | NVRAM write failure |
CPU TX ERR | The motion CPU is not ready to transmit | dRIVE EJCT | Drive failed to eject medium |
SLOT EMPTY | No slot beam was detected | dRIVE LOAd | Unable to load medium into drive |
PWR SWITCH | The front power switch was pressed | dRIVE UNLd * | Drive not logically unloaded |
HALT | The motion CPU has been halted by a low ACT line | dRIVE HNdL | Drive ‘Operate Handle’ timeout |
CAM LIMIT | A cam limit has been reached w/o tripping a sensor | dRIVE BUSY | Drive busy, cannot unload tape |
JAW SENSOR | A jaw sensor was tripped | dRIVE PGRM | Attempt to set drive parameters failed |
INV MOV OP * | An invalid move operation occurred | dRIVE dOOR | Drive door stepper motor limit |
REAR TAPE | A rear tape sensor was not tripped | dRIVE FULL * | The drive was full |
FRONT TAPE | A front tape sensor was not tripped | CT FAILED | Cleaning tape failed to clean drive |
REAR SLOT | A rear slot sensor was not tripped | dRIVE POST | Drive failed its POST |
FRONT SLOT | A front slot sensor was not tripped | RObOT POST | Robotics failed its POST |
PCKR FULL * | The media picker was full |
* These errors will not appear on the LCD if the error occurred during SCSI interaction.
During the FastStor POST, if the CT FAILEd, dRIVE bUSY, dRIVE dOOR, dRIVE EJCT, dRIVE HNdL, dRIVE LOAd, dRIVE PGRM, or dRIVE UNLd error occurs, dRIVE POST will appear on the Operators Panel LCD. All other errors occurring during FastStor POST will result in RObOT POST being displayed.
48Troubleshooting and Diagnostics