Environmental Considerations
For best performance of your FastStor, and to minimize the chance of condensation, please observe the following guidelines:
❐Install your FastStor on a level surface. Do not place FastStor on a carpeted surface.
❐If you expose cartridges to temperatures outside the operating limits,
❐Avoid temperature problems by ensuring that the FastStor rear panel is not obstructed so that the drive has adequate ventilation.
❐Position the FastStor where the temperature is relatively stable (i.e., away from open windows, fan heaters, and doors).
❐Avoid leaving cartridges in severe temperature conditions, for example, in a car standing in bright sunlight.
❐Avoid transferring data (reading from and writing to cartridges) when the temperature is changing by more than 10°C (15°F) per hour.
When You Call ADIC’S Technical Assistance Center
Before calling ATAC, follow these steps – which will help you take full advantage of your call:
❐Review all documentation carefully. (Experience has demonstrated that most questions are answered in your documentation.)
❐Be prepared to explain whether the software or hardware has worked properly at anytime in the past. Have you changed anything recently?
❐Pinpoint the exact location of your problem, if possible. Note the steps that led to the problem. Are you able to duplicate the same problem or is it a
❐Note any error messages displayed on your PC screen or file server. Write down the exact error message.
❐If at all possible, call while at your computer, with ADIC’s system installed and turned on.
❐If running on a network, have all relevant information available (i.e. type, version #, network hardware, etc.).
❐Be prepared to provide:
Your name and your Company’s name
Model number
Serial number of FastStor (located inside the unit, under the bottom cartridge slot)
Serial number of drive assembly (located on rear panel, above SCSI connectors)
Software version numbers
–device driver
Hardware configuration, including firmware version, date and number
Type of PC, DOS version, clock speed, RAM, network type, network version, and any special boards installed A brief description of the problem
Where you purchased the ADIC system
Having this information available when you call for customer assistance will enable ADIC to resolve your problem in the most efficient manner possible.
In the US and Canada, call ATAC at
In Europe, call ATAC at +800.9999.3822.
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