Programming Reference
Store current setting
:MMEM:STOR:STAT “filename”
Syntax :MMEM:STOR:STAT “filename”
Description Stores the current setting into the specified file. If a file with the same name already exists, then this file will be overwritten.
Recall setting
:MMEM:LOAD:STAT “filename”
Syntax :MMEM:LOAD:STAT “filename”
Description Loads stored instrument setting from the given file.
All Channels
:FREQ Syntax :FREQ?
OC3OC12OC48OC48FECFC1FC2GBE1XAUI Description Either sets or gets the instrument’s datarate. The datarate
always applies to all the channels (electrical out, optical out, clock out, and error detector input).
Available Data Rates | Name | Frequency | Parameter |
| Fast Ethernet | 125.00Mb/s | FE |
| 155.52Mb/s | OC3 | |
| 622.08Mb/s | OC12 | |
| 2.48832Gb/s | OC48 | |
| 2.666Gb/s | OC48FEC | |
| FEC |
| 1 x FC | 1.0625Gb/s | FC1 |
| 2 x FC | 2.125Gb/s | FC2 |
| Gigabit | 1.25Gb/s | GBE1 |
| Ethernet |
| XAUI | 3.125Gb/s | XAUI |
N5980A User Guide | 33 |