Use secure credentials: Check to allow applications to access your tablet’s encrypted store of secure certificates and related passwords and other credentials. You use credential storage to establish some kinds of VPN and
Install from USB storage: Touch to install a secure certificate from your tablet’s storage, as described in“Working with secure certificates”on page 69.
Set password: Opens a dialog where you can set or change the password for your secure credential storage. Your password must have at least 8 characters. See“Working with secure certificates”on page 69.
Clear credentials: Deletes all secure certificates and related credentials and erases the credential storage’s own password, after prompting you to confirm that you want to do this.
Apps settings
You use the Applications settings to view details about the applications installed on your tablet, to manage their data, to force them to stop if they misbehave, and to set whether you want to permit installation of applications that you obtain from web sites and email.
››Apps settings screen
Manage applications: Opens a list of all the applications and other software installed on your tablet, along with their sizes and tools for managing them. See“Managing how apps use memory”on page 33.
Running services: Opens a list of applications, processes, and services, services that are currently running or are cached. See“Managing how apps use memory”on page 33.
Memory usage: Opens a list of all applications on your tablet with information about the storage they use. See “Managing how apps use memory”on page 33.