Max 280 W
100~240V AC, 50/60Hz
Eco : 30dB, Bright : 32dB
291(W) x 289(D) x 127(H)
11.5inches(W) x 11.4 inches(D) x 5 inches(H)
3.8Kg / 8.4 lb
Temperature : 41 °F ~ 95 °F (5 °C ~ 35 °C),
Humidity : 20 % ~ 80 %
Temperature :
Humidity : 10 % ~ 90 %
This Class B equipment is designed for home and office use. The equipment has been registered regarding EMI for residential use. It may be used in all areas. Class A is for office use. Class A is for business while class B emits less electromagnetic waves than class A.
The LCD panel used in the LCD projector consists of hundreds of thousands of fine pixels.
Like other video display devices, the LCD panel may contain bad pixels which do not operate. When shipping a product, the conditions for identifying bad pixels and the number of bad pixels that a LCD panel is allowed to contain are strictly managed in accordance with the relevant specified standards by the LCD panel manufacturer and our company. Though a screen may have some dead pixels, this does not affect the overall screen quality and the lifetime of the product.
Supported Display Modes |
PC Timing |
| Horizontal | Vertical | Pixel Frequency |
Format | Resolution |
| Frequency | Frequency | |
| (MHz) | ||||
| (kHz) | (Hz) | |
| ||
IBM | 640 x 350 | 70Hz | 31.469 | 70.086 | 25.175 |
IBM | 640 x 480 | 60Hz | 31.469 | 59.940 | 25.175 |
IBM | 720 x 400 | 70Hz | 31.469 | 70.087 | 28.322 |
VESA | 640 x 480 | 60Hz | 31.469 | 59.940 | 25.175 |
MAC | 640 x 480 | 67Hz | 35.000 | 66.667 | 30.240 |
VESA | 640 x 480 | 70Hz | 35.000 | 70.000 | 28.560 |
VESA | 640 x 480 | 72Hz | 37.861 | 72.809 | 31.500 |
VESA | 640 x 480 | 75Hz | 37.500 | 75.000 | 31.500 |
VESA | 720 x 576 | 60Hz | 35.910 | 59.950 | 32.750 |
VESA | 800 x 600 | 56Hz | 35.156 | 56.250 | 36.000 |
VESA | 800 x 600 | 60Hz | 37.879 | 60.317 | 40.000 |
VESA | 800 x 600 | 70Hz | 43.750 | 70.000 | 45.500 |
VESA | 800 x 600 | 72Hz | 48.077 | 72.188 | 50.000 |
VESA | 800 x 600 | 75Hz | 46.875 | 75.000 | 49.500 |
MAC | 832 x 624 | 75Hz | 49.726 | 74.551 | 57.284 |
VESA | 1024 x 768 | 60Hz | 48.363 | 60.004 | 65.000 |
VESA | 1024 x 768 | 70Hz | 56.476 | 70.069 | 75.000 |
VESA | 1024 x 768 | 72Hz | 57.672 | 72.000 | 78.434 |
VESA | 1024 x 768 | 75Hz | 60.023 | 75.029 | 78.750 |
VESA | 1152 x 864 | 60Hz | 53.783 | 59.959 | 81.750 |
VESA | 1152 x 864 | 70Hz | 63.000 | 70.000 | 96.768 |
VESA | 1152 x 864 | 72Hz | 64.872 | 72.000 | 99.643 |
VESA | 1152 x 864 | 75Hz | 67.500 | 75.000 | 108.000 |
VESA | 1280 x 720 | 60Hz | 44.772 | 59.855 | 74.500 |
VESA | 1280 x 720 | 70Hz | 52.500 | 70.000 | 89.040 |
VESA | 1280 x 720 | 72Hz | 54.072 | 72.000 | 91.706 |
VESA | 1280 x 720 | 75Hz | 56.456 | 74.777 | 95.750 |
VESA | 1280 x 768 | 60Hz | 47.776 | 59.870 | 79.500 |
VESA | 1280 x 768 | 75Hz | 60.289 | 74.893 | 102.250 |
VESA | 1280 x 800 | 60Hz | 49.702 | 59.810 | 83.500 |
VESA | 1280 x 800 | 75Hz | 62.795 | 74.934 | 106.500 |
VESA | 1280 x 960 | 60Hz | 60.000 | 60.000 | 108.000 |
VESA | 1280 x 960 | 70Hz | 69.930 | 70.000 | 120.839 |
VESA | 1280 x 960 | 72Hz | 72.072 | 72.000 | 124.540 |
VESA | 1280 x 960 | 75Hz | 75.231 | 74.857 | 130.000 |