The HDMI Over CAT5 Receiver contains a bank of 8 DIP SWITCHES. These swiches are located underneath each unit. Peeling back the black metallic sticker on the bottom of the HDMI Over CAT5 Receiver will reveal the DIP SWITCH bank. These service switches are used for a number of configuration options. By default, all Dip Switches are in the OFF position. Each setting is outlined below.
| ON |
| ||
| OFF |
| |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 | 5 |
| 6 | 7 |
| 8 | |||
Switch 1 | Auto Equalization |
| ||||
Switch 2 | IR Remote Channel Configuration |
| ||||||||||
Switch 3 | IR Remote Channel Configuration |
| ||||||||||
Switch 4 | Boost Setting |
| ||||
Switch 5 | Boost Setting |
| ||||
Switch 6 | Not Used |
| ||
Switch 7 | Not Used |
| ||
Switch 8 |
Auto Equalization & Boost Setting
Auto equalization is enabled by default. This setting will compensate for variances in cable skew and will help eliminate the video noise that is associated with it. This feature will work reliably up to 130ft. Longer
To manually equalize the video signal, turn Dip Switch 1 to the ON position. This will disable the auto equalization function and will allow the user to manually equalize the signal. From here, the Boost Settings and Equalization can be manipulated to