Black Box A/S-4 manual Power Up and Configuration Menu Operations

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6. Power Up and Configuration

Menu Operations

The A/S-4 unit options are mainly set by the operator through the

use of menus. The A/S-4 provides a very flexible package of options so to allow any VDU to operate like an IBM 3278 terminal and an IBM 3287 printer or a 3770 work station. Because of the great numbers of options provided, it may take a little time to set up to A/S-4 unit, but once complete, the options need not be set up again. All options are battery protected for when the unit is turned off.

6.1 Power Up

To start installing your A/S-4 unit only the VDU need be connected. Connect to VDU, making sure all the following steps have been followed.

1.Plug in, turn on, boot, or perform any other needed operation to ready the VDU.

2.Set switches SW2, SW3, SW6 on A/S-4 for type of VDU connecting to, see Section 4.2 How to set Terminal Switches for different devices. The factory default switch settings are for a VDU DTE device.

3.Set SW9 for communication options needed, refer to Section 4.5 Option Switches. The factory default switch settings are for 7 data bits, speed detection ON, menu operation ON, even parity. Be sure that SW9/6 is in the ON position: Option change on power up enabled.

4.Plug the power transformer into any standard 110 volt AC power outlet. Plug the connector on the other end of the power cord into the mating connector on the back of the unit. Insert the connector so the small beveled lip faces up for ease of insertion. The beveled lip can be inserted up or down and the unit will work fine with no harm to the A/S-4. A substitute transformer may be ordered for the A/S-4 unit for 220 volts AC or other voltages.

5.Plug an RS232-C cable from the VDU into the terminal connector on the back of the A/S-4. Pins 2-8 and 20 are required.

6.Plug an RS232-C cable from the modem or IBM host into the modem connector. Pins 2-8, 15, 17 and 20 are required.

After the above procedure has been completed, the A/S-4 should have three lights on, the power, TCTS, and TCD. If these lights are not all on the A/S-4 unit will not communicate with the VDU host properly. Refer to Section 11.0 Trouble Shooting Problems and Odd Installation Problems if all three lights will not come on.

With all three lights on, the A/S-4 is waiting for the letter “S” from the VDU for auto speed detection if the option is enabled. The operator types lower or upper case “S” and the A/S-4 will calculate the baud rate and send out a power up message. The A/S-4 is capable of detecting baud rates of 300, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800 and 9600. If the speed detect option is off, the A/S-4 will send out the power up message two or three seconds after the three lights come on at the baud rate set by switches SW6 (refer to Section 4.1 Terminal Switches). If the power up message does not look like Figure 1, check the option switch SW9 or refer to Section 13.0 Trouble Shooting Problems and Odd Installation Problems. If the message “MEMORY ERROR U13 or U14” is displayed, refer to section 13 to determine if the A/S-4 is defective.


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Contents Protocol Converter Model A/S-4 FCC Statement Protocol Converter Model A/S-4 Trademarks Contents Contents General Information General Information Indicators Power Specifications1General Installation InstallationModem Interface Terminal Automatic Speed DetectionSynchronizer Power TransformerTerminal Switches SwitchesCLEAR-TO-SEND Carrier DetectREQUEST-TO-SEND Baud Rate Devices How to Set Terminal Port Switches for Different DevicesModem Switches REQUEST-TO-SEND How to Set Modem Port Switches for Different Devices Option Switches LED Indicator Power Up Power Up and Configuration Menu OperationsType Home for VDU Match or Space Version Power Up MessageA/S-4 Main Menu CurrentProtocol Converter Main Menu RUN no Changes Else Change VDU Switching from A/S-4’s Main Menu to Running the Application Protocol Converter Model A/S-4 Current Changing the VDU TypeVDU = NEW VDU Changing VDU Commands for the VDU Type Selected Changing Video Attributes and Commands for VDU ESC X Y Z 4 Standard Keyboard Layout Power Up and Configuration Menu Options ADM 1178 Keyboard Layout IBM 3101 Keyboard Layout PNS Keyboard Layout Changing Keyboard Layout Type Protocol Converter Model A/S-4 ESC or =PF20 PA Keys CTL Z or Protocol Converter Model A/S-4 Changing Application Options Changing ApplicationDo not set the VDU and PRT LU addresses to the same values XON/XOFF=OFF Changing Batch Application Options Printer Options Current Power Up and Configuration Menu Options Programmable Printer Options Verify Switch Settings Reload Default Options Interactive Operation Batch Operation Receiving Batch Data from the SNA host Batch OperationSOF Transmitting Batch Data to the SNA Host STXETX Batch Printer Operation Batch Operation Batch Default Options LU Address 1ST Char from VDU Device IndicatorCustomer Option a BIT 7 Terminate Message to VDU on 1-END of ChainChar Option not Used Inbound LU XFRLU Address not Used Customer Option CDefault Kybd = Standard Default CRT = Ascii STANDARD, VT100Application Options C5D3 = Lear Siegler ADM 3AEND of Options Battery RAM Maintenance Software Upgrade and Eprom Replacement System/Line Gen for Batch Sscpfm = Ussscs Transfer = Modetab = InstinclmVpacing = Addr = C1Usstab = Rjeincdt Setupmsg SetupinfIstatus = Active Buffact =Operator Waitime =Cctl Ckptlns =Cmpct Comp Operator Cctl Ckptlns =Nosep Select = PUNCH1 Nohold Nosep StartAdiscon Codea Comp Ebcdic Pudest = Pulcl Punode Xeonode =Ifacea Lowspeed TranspModeent LOGMODE=BUF512,FMPROF=X’03’,TSPROF=X’03’ Prtrans = YESModeent LOGMODE=BUF256,FMPROF=X’03’,TSPROF=X’03’ Compact Modeent LOGMODE=COMPACT,FMPROF=X’03’,TSPROF=X’03’Ussparm PARM=LOGMODE,DEFAULT=BATCH Ussparm PARM-APPLID,DEFAULT=JES2Ussparm PARM=LOGMODE,DEFAULT=MOCOMP Usscmd CMD=RMT101,REP=LOGON,FORMAT=BALProblem Symptom Possible Remedies Troubleshooting Problems and Odd Installation ProblemsTroubleshooting Problems and Odd Installation Problems Appendix a 3274 SNA Communication Operations Appendix a 3274 SNA Communication Operations Appendix B General 3770 SNA Communication Operations Appendix B General 3770 SNA Communication Operations Appendix C Conversion Charts Appendix C Conversion Charts Protocol Converter Model A/S-4 Appendix C Conversion Charts Protocol Converter Model A/S-4 Recv Conv Protocol Converter Model A/S-4 Park Drive Lawrence, PA