CHAPTER 6: Power Up and Configuration Menu Options
D.Lines Per Inch (xxx) - By entering the letter D, followed by any decimal number from 001 to 063, the operator can change the lines per inch (LPI) the printer will print. If a decimal value larger than
063 is entered, the LPI option will be set to a value less than 063. The host Set Line Density (SLD) command can temporarily change the lines per inch used by the printer. This new LPI value will not be displayed in the Lines Per Inch option. See Section 8, Batch operation for more information.
E.Single/Double Space - Option can be toggled from Single (NL x`15’ received from host send CR LF to printer) to Double (NL x `15’ received from host send CR LF LF to the printer) line spacing.
F.MONO/Dual Case - By entering an F the operator can toggle from Dual (upper and lower case characters sent to the printer) to MONO (only upper case characters are sent to the printer, if a lower case character is received from the host it is converted to upper case).
The following commands are sent to the attached printer to change or set the printer for the selected parameters:
I.Separator Char - By entering the letter I followed by a single ASCII character will change the character sent after the Start FORMS character to set the printer’s programmable settings. The separator character will not be sent if set for a null (CTL @), this can be done by using the terminal’s Break key. Refer to Section 6.12.1 for details.
J.Final Char - This single character value is sent after the Forms Separator character to set the printer’s programmable settings. The final character may be changed by entering the letter J followed by any ASCII character. This final character is disabled by setting it to a null (CTL @). Refer to section
6.12.1for more information on setting printers forms.
L.Separator Char - By entering the letter L followed by a single ASCII character will change the character sent after the Start density character to set the printer’s lines per inch setting. The separator will not be sent if set for a null (CTL @). Refer to section 6.12.1 for description of command usage.
M.Final Char - This single character value, sent after the density separator character to set the printer’s lines per inch setting, may be changed by entering the letter M followed by any character. This final character is disabled by setting it to a null (CTL @). See Section 6.12.1 for details on operation.